2.Prologue-The Broken Necklace; Graduating the Academy

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(A/N: Hey fellas! It's been quite some time since I wrote my last A/N....Thou, I'm writing this to clarify the readers that this chapter has a lot of flashbacks, just like um, I did this to make readers understand her past... Well, flashbacks would come all along the chapters, cuz I don't wanna spoil all the fun by writing all of her past in a chapter. Well, if I say why I'm doing this, let's say because I like spoiling.... No kidding, but it sure increases interest towards the story and it'd fun too... So, that's all for now, rn, enjoy!)


Her eyes growled in anger as she saw the broken photo frame, she hastily crushed it with a punch, the glass shattering into a thousand pieces causing them to pierce through her fist and penetrate through her flesh, causing her deep red blood to drip on the crushed glass

"He thought that I was broken, completely helpless, not able to do anything...after all, what I could do" she smirked " but this was your worst mistake"

"He killed Fyumi...but not her goal" she said when a tear went down her cheek...


Time skips to everyone passing the test-

Sensei said "so, students...well done...so, you've all passed the graduating exams and now I would be dividing you into squads.... Team 7- Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke"

Just like this everyone in the class was grouped, except Tatsuo

"Tatsuo" Iruka began "Since you're the only one left, the Hokag suggested you joining team 7"

"With this knucklehead chick, pink head lover and duckass emo, comes rotten grapevine too...Whatever" she said as their head slumped with guilt and the rest of class and Iruka sensei laughed...



Early day time...Two young kids are playing with swords and ninja stars and two teenagers were keeping an eye on them while sitting beneath a tree...

"Hah! I defeated you again Mr. Hokori" the young girl chirped as her beautiful hair flew with the breeze of wind when the boy complains "That isn't true! Tatsuo, it's not fair...I had to win this time...Right Fyumi?" asked the little boy

"Tatsuo, Sasuke is right...He won this time, right..." asked the brunette, Fyumi, with a smile to which the reply came in grumpily

"No, it's not fair with me...If Hokori is always boasting about himself, and then getting beaten by me, then is it my fault, Itachi?"

"Not at all, Reina..." he said as he went towards the young cutie and made her sit on his lap when he said "Fyumi, Sasuke, come on, My Reina won this time"

"So, don't you like me, brother?" asks Sasuke making a cry-baby like face to which Itachi replied "Of course, I love you...You're my brother, but still, I love my Reina, Tatsuo, more than you..." he completed with a smile to which Fyumi snapped "What about me?"

"I love you more Snow Apple" grinned Sasuke

"Snow apple?" both Fyumi and Tatsuo asked at the same time while Itachi was giving Sasuke angry looks

"Sorry, Itachi...I used your nickname by mistake..." he murmured to which Tatsuo giggles and then Fyumi lashed out at Itachi angrily

"I told you not to use that name in front of anyone, you! Jerk! Red scarecrow!!!" she said as she sat up from the place and she starts running after Itachi and both Tatsuo and Sasuke enjoy the view, forgetting about the fight....

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