"Oh my God Lisa! Where's my Lisa." She immediately started crying again. "She can't leave yet, she can't."

Kai approached the bed and grabbed Jennie's hand trying to calm her down.

"Hey, it's okay hon, she's okay."

"She is?" Jennie said through a broken sob, she felt a heavy weight lift. "I need to go check on her. I need to see her." She tried getting out of the hospital bed, I.V still in her arms but Kai pushed her down. Jennie glared at him and it made Kai nervous. She was very intimidating.

"Hold on Jennie, before you go, I have to tell you something."

"What!" She snapped at him. Kai flinched. She briefly looked down at Ella to make sure her yelling hadn't woken her.

Kai didn't know how to say this, he nervously shifted before finally uttering "She's awake."

"What?" Jennie's head snapped up in shock. She dared to hope Kai was telling the truth. Just moments ago she thought Lisa might have died and now she was miraculously awake? She was scared to hope. She had wished for this moment for years, she had waited and waited for Lisa.


Jennie let Kai take Ella home. The doctors had told her that Lisa would be disoriented and despite Ella's protests and pouty looks at Jennie because it wasn't fair that her mama was awake and she wasn't allowed to see her yet because what if she falls back asleep before she gets to meet her—Jennie knew the doctors were right. It might be too much for Lisa all at once. Lisa had been in a coma for six years and there was no telling what kind of state her brain was in.

They had told her however that her awareness was something short of a miracle, Lisa had asked for Jennie as soon as she had come to and it seemed like she remembered everything leading up to her accident. The doctors had ran tests and although physically Lisa wasn't well, her mind was still sharp. Still, they had all decided it was probably best if it was Jennie instead of a doctor who broke the news to Lisa, it might lessen the trauma of finding out how much time had passed.


Jennie shifted outside of Lisa's hospital room. As eager as she had been to see Lisa, she felt nervous. She fixed her clothes and decided to go to the restroom first to make sure she looked okay. She sighed, looking at herself in the mirror before trying to fix her hair. She looked awful, the pain of almost losing Lisa took a toll on her.

She felt like she was in high school again, when she would spend hours fixing herself before school started just so that Lisa would tell her she looked pretty that day. Granted, Lisa always told her she was pretty, she never failed to compliment her despite them just being best friends.

She always walked her to class. Lisa was always in trouble because she was younger than Jennie so they never had the same classes together and Lisa always ended up being late to her own classes but she did it anyway.

Jennie didn't find out until Lisa confessed much later that she had been lying about attending a dance class after school most days. She had actually been in detention. She spent her time in detention for most of high school until the year Jennie graduated because she finally stopped being late. Jennie smiled to herself at the thought, that idiot. If she had known she would have scolded Lisa. She really wondered how it was possible for them to be so oblivious to each other's feelings back then when it was so clear to her now.

She gave herself one more once over in the mirror before deciding to put on a bit of mascara and a little lipstick, it was Lisa's favorite color on her.


Jennie finally found the courage and opened the door to Lisa's hospital room. As she did her gaze met the most beautiful doe eyes, eyes that she had missed so fucking much and Jennie lost it again. She was sobbing and vaguely registered that at least her stupid mascara was waterproof.


The sound of her voice. That voice that she hadn't heard in years made her heart break and though she had been brokenly crying at the entrance, not believing that Lisa was here, awake, it broke her out of her stupor. As soon as she heard Lisa's voice she couldn't help but finally unfreeze from her spot and run to her. She was careful not to hurt Lisa as she clung to Lisa's body like she could disappear at any moment.

"You stupid idiot. You stupid, stupid idiot. How could you do this to me and get yourself hurt." Jennie kept crying, arms clinging tightly around Lisa's neck.

Lisa weakly wrapped her arms around Jennie. "I'm sorry baby."

Jennie sobbed harder because she hadn't heard that term in a long time, she never let Kai call her baby, she never called him that either. That was solely for Lisa, and her heart sank because the relief of finally having the love of her life back broke her heart into a thousand pieces because she was about to shatter Lisa's heart when she finds out that she had married someone else. She clung to Lisa even harder and tucked her face into Lisa's neck, knowing this was the last time she would get to hold her like this.

"It's okay baby, I'm okay," Lisa tried to console her.


A/N I'm sorry for using he who must not be named lol, I know he's triggering in JL fics but it just helps with the angst.

My bad @ irl Kai!

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