With that in mind, I snapped myself from my thoughts. "Bye Brooks," I whispered breaking the silence my eyes locking with his briefly before my eyes darted away from him.

Whirling around I walked to the door, lifting my hand I grasp the doorknob twisting it, but unlike last time he didn't stop me he just remained mute. Pulling the door open I left without a backward glance.

Closing the door shut behind me I leaned back against it blowing out a pent-up breath. Stepping away I looked back at the door that remained closed. I should be relieved that he didn't follow me right? So then why do I feel a pang of disappointment?

I released a frustrated breath, I just want this night to be over.

On a mission, I ordered an Uber as I hastily walked to the end of the hallway taking the steps two at a time until I was back downstairs.

Dodging attempts from guys asking me to dance I searched for Mia in the sea of bodies crammed together.

Spying her in the den perched on Nate's lap I made a beamline towards them. Mia was too busy grinding her ass on Nate's lap to the beat of the music blasting through the speakers to notice me walking in their direction.

I hope he kept his mouth shut and doesn't utter a word about what he saw to anyone, especially Mia.

"Hey Mia," I said coming to a halt in from of them prompting her head to snap up at the sound of my voice. From the glassy look in her eyes and the goofy smile, I knew she had a few more drinks since I left. I ignored the knowing-looking Nate was shooting in my direction.

"Gen, you're back," Mia yelled jumping to her feet and into my arms almost knocking me to the ground.

"Whoa, easy there," I told as I regained my balance.

Pulling away from me she gripped my arms as she smiled a little sloppily at me. "I'm having the best time."

"I can see that, Look Mia I'm heading out I have a headache and the loud music is not helping. So I'm leaving I've already ordered an Uber, but you should stay," I said trying to sound apologetic even though I was lying through my teeth.

"Oh no, already it's still so early," she whined.
" You want me to go with you?" she offered although I knew she was having a good time and I already told her to stay.

"Nah, you stay to have fun," I repeated pointing my finger in Nate's direction.

Mia looked over her shoulder at Nate before bringing her gaze back to mine. "Well, okay then I guess I'll stay the night here, get some dick," she said with a salacious grin promoting a laugh from me as I returned her grin.

A few minutes later I said my goodbyes and in no time I was in the Uber and on my way home. Ready to put this night behind me.


The next morning I was making breakfast when I heard the front door open and clicked closed. Seconds later Mia entered the kitchen looking like she was run over by a truck.

"Wow, look what the cat dragged in," I told her as I mixed pancake batter in a bowl. Walking up to the counter she took a seat on one of the barstools scowling at me.

"You look like absolute shit," I said as I took in her disheveled appearance.

"Shut the fuck up," she grumbled out before dropping her face into her hands.

Abandoning the pancake batter, I grabbed a coffee mug from the cupboard and poured some coffee into it adding some sugar and cream. I walked over to where she was sitting offering the mug of coffee to her. "Here you look like you could use it."

"Thanks," she mumbled before taking the mug from my hand. Returning to my spot I scooped out some better and poured some batter into the hot pan I had the heating on the shove.

"Why are you home so early anyway?" I asked her a little confused it's only nine a.m. and Mia usually sleeps late on the weekends especially when she's hungover after a night of partying.

"Because I promised your ungrateful ass that I would braid your hair," she said taking a sip of her coffee.

"No that can't be it since you said that you'll do it later today so tell me the real reason why you're home so early,"

She glared at me before rolling her eyes. "Fine, if you must know Nate and I had an argument."

I rolled my eyes at that Nate and Mia are always arguing. I didn't have to ask her what they were arguing about because it's always the same damn thing. Nate wanted more out of their relationship while Mia wanted to remain casual.

They'll have a big fight about it and a few hours later they'll makeup and all will be well again.

"Girl..," Mia cut me off before I could say anything else.

"Don't even, I know what you're going to say      Gen and I don't want to hear it," she said placing her mug on the granite countertop.

"How do you know what I'm going to say? You're not telepathic," I said playfully attempting to change the mood, I could tell she having a bad morning.

"I knew what you're going to say because you say it every time."

Just as I was about to open my mouth I paused as a burnt smell filled my nose.

What the hell is that? It took a second to register. Oh, shit the pancakes!

Turning to face the stove I picked up the spatula using it to lift the burnt pancake out of the pan placing it onto the plate it was burnt to a crisp.

"Oh hell," I heard Mia say behind me followed by her loud laughter.

Turning around I glared up at her, picking up a dishcloth I threw it at her hitting her square in the face which resulted in her laughing even harder. "That's what you get for sticking your nose in my business if you were minding your own you wouldn't have burned your pancakes," she said.

"Our pancakes, I was making going to give you some but now your ass can starve," she stopped laughing as soon as the words left my mouth.

"Now, Gen you know I was just playing no need to leave me without food you know your pancakes are the best," she said lifting her hands in a sign of surrender.

"That's what I thought," I replied scooping out some more pancake batter and pouring it into the pan.

"Well I'm gonna go to take a shower," she lifted herself off the barstool.

"Yeah you should because you stink," I quipped looking at her over my shoulder. "You smell like a beer distillery."

Walking out of the kitchen she looked at me over her shoulder mouthing fuck you.

Grinning I turned my attention back to the pan flipping the pancakes, I can't afford to burn another one Mia will never let me live it down.

With Mia in the shower and no longer here to distract me my mind flickered back to Brooks. He's been on my mind since I opened my eyes this morning and I can't seem to forget about him. I don't get it we spend less than an hour together I should be over it by now. 

But for some reason, I'm not. Besides for all I knew after I left he probably found some next girl to keep him occupied. Because I'm sure he has already forgotten all about me so what I need to do is forget about Brooks Heyward.

That should be able easy. Right?

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