- Part 6

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Me and John were stood outside B Class, which had a mixture of students from both factions inside.

"You ready?"

"Mans born ready, papapap!"

"Stay safe you two."

Yukina gave us her blessing before we rocked up inside B Class unannounced.

The first to notice our presence though wasn't Machida, but rather Amanda, one of Ichinose's right hands.

"Good morning, Takanori-san, John-san."

Upon seeing Amanda, John wolf whistled.

"Babes, girl you look leng! She got a fat bunda styll, sheesh! Everyting from da looks to da fashion is on point, skyat!"

Amanda tilted her head at John, clearly unable to understand what he was saying.

"Taka, bruv, mans gonna move mad in a sec, swear down!"

I've never seen John so excited over seeing a girl before. I knew he was a bit perverted like Mitsuba, but this was the first time he's been so open about his attraction towards someone.

"...I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

"Of course babes, anyting for you mans. Babes looking leng! Finer dan a peng ting! Bunda blessed from da big man! Dat fashion sense got a sweet one too, sheeeeesh!"

She was just wearing the standard uniform... out of pity for Amanda, I decided to translate for her.

"He's basically calling you beautiful."


She had no reaction whatsoever... I knew Amanda was a cold person, but I didn't realise she was this candid.

"What mans like Taka said, but multiply da ting by a stack, bare Ps, ya done kno!"

John pushed his chest out, raising his shoulders to make his puffer jacket look more hunky. Amanda nodded, if only to get John to pipe down.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Mans was here to shank a donny up, but now mans feeling like chatting you up bruv."

"We're here to talk to Machida-san."

"Machida-san, huh?"

Amanda looked over to Machida, who was reading a book. For once, he wasn't surrounded by his cronies.

"I wouldn't recommend it."

"Trust da mandem babe, mans don't wanna talk wid no wasteman either, mans'd rather spin his jaw, but mans gotta be civil and dat or else mans gonna get sent wid da popo, ya get me?"

Amanda raised an eyebrow at John's nonsensical blend of Japanese and English. Despite how violently he was talking about fighting Machida, I think he was just acting hard to try and impress her.

"We think he might be responsible for troubling one of our classmates."

"I see why you suspect him. It does sound like something he'd do. When did this trouble begin exactly?"


"Hm. In that case, I don't think Machida-san's the one behind it."

"Really? Why not?"

"For some reason, he's spent the entire morning reading that book. There's no way he could cause any trouble since he's been cooped up in here."

"But what about before he entered class? Couldn't he have done something then?"

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