- Part 4

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I returned to the Drachma Red dorms and put away what Siyeon gave me for later.

Then, I headed out and went to Kouji's dorm. Somehow managing to talk with this week is going to be essential.

I gave one initial knock on his door before beginning to knock multiple times.

Knowing Kouji, he was probably sleeping in his room. I decided to skip the whole song and dance of slowly escalating my knocks by just going all out from the start.

However, despite my persistence knocking, Kouji still hadn't answered yet. Five minutes had passed, and my knuckles were turning red from hitting the wooden door constantly.

Last time I tried talking to him, I had to wait fifteen minutes for a simple conversation that lasted less than a minute. I'm not sure if I had the patience for that again, but I really needed to talk to Kouji, so I had no other choice but to wait it out.

When a minute passed, I knocked on his door again. In total, I must've knocked over a hundred times.

"Is he out...?"

Fifteen minutes had passed. It was really strange that Kouji still hadn't answered, even after how aggressively I was knocking on the door. I tried once more, this time shouting to grab his attention as well.

"Kouji-san! It's me, Takanori-san! Can you answer the door?"

Even so, still no response. Just to be sure, I waited another five minutes.

However, when that passed and he still didn't answer, I decided to cut my losses and leave. After wasting twenty minutes of my life waiting for a response that obviously wouldn't come, I didn't see any point in continuing.

Instead, I went to Nora's place so we could finalise the exams we made for C Class.

Ultimately, we decided on shifting our focus on making the math and science exams as hard as possible, since their scoring system was purely objective. Depending on how many questions you answered correctly, you'd get a fixed score.

This unique advantage meant there were clearer boundaries of where "failing" was. In comparison, Japanese and history had a subjective scoring system due to being essay based subjects.

Depending on who the marker is, and how harsh they are with the rubric, they could barely pass or barely fail. We didn't want to leave anything to chance, so we went with the most secure option.

By the way, English was a strange blend of objective and subjective marking. The first half was objective due to being translation questions, but the second half was subjective due to a compulsory extended writing piece.

Regardless, we still had to make this as hard as possible alongside math and science since Zyriot and Albert would have probably helped teach their class English.

"Do you think this will be hard enough now?" Nora asked.

"We'll only know when we test it out."

However, I was certain this was a huge step up from our last draft.

If it wasn't for Rinbayashi scoring 100% on everything, I think me and Nora would've thought it was fine and handed it over to Suzune without a second thought.

In that sense, I'm glad our first draft got destroyed by her, because this second draft was much stronger.

"Are you going to ask Rinbayashi-san again?"

"No. I think we underestimated her academic abilities. She's probably smarter than the average student."

That, and she'd probably end up scoring 100% on everything again.

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