- Part 20

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Before going home today, I noticed I had forgotten my tablet's charger in class while sorting out the contents of my bag.

While walking upstairs to get it, someone called out to me from the top of the stairwell.


Standing there was Oozora Yuudai, the male class representative of 2nd Year A Class.


I didn't expect him to make conversation with me. Did he want something from me?

I waited for a moment, but it seems he wasn't coming to meet me halfway.

"How are you?"

He continued to stand there, asking questions while looking down on me.

"I'm fine."

I briefly answered before continuing my journey upstairs.

"That's good."

I passed him, thinking we were done exchanging pleasantries, but Oozora continued talking to me.

"You know, a lot of upperclassmen have become interested in you recently."

"Yeah. I've heard."

Due to my various interactions with 2-A students in May, I've become quite the talking point amongst the seniors. I've also become quite familiar with the 2-E students, as I spent most of my free time at the gym, working out with Shinomiya.

"Even that Kurosaki-san has taken a liking to you, and she's really tough to impress."

"...are you talking from experience?"

Oozora laughed, grinning at me.

"I wish. Truthfully, she's never given me the light of day."

Kurosaki really did have high standards. If she didn't find a person interesting, she wouldn't bother talking to them.


"Seriously. It's why it's so impressive that she seems to be fond of you."

Despite being her fellow class representative, Kurosaki wasn't interested in Oozora. I found it strange though, since he had a decorated past as the Great Sky Hero.

Still, Oozora must've been an impressive person since he was the leader of 2-A. I mean, even though Kurosaki was also a class representative, I really doubt the class would follow her lackadaisical lead.

For her, these titles were just stepping stones towards her ultimate goal of climbing up to the top. As such, she probably left Oozora in charge of the class.

"You're praising me too much. I don't know what I did to deserve her attention either."

"It isn't just her either. Shinomiya-san likes you too. You were eating lunch with her yesterday, weren't you?"


Why does Oozora know that? I don't remember seeing him in the cafeteria during lunch time.

"What did you guys talk about?"

"...that's none of your business."

Oozora laughed lightly.

"My bad. So, between Kurosaki-san and Shinomiya-san, who do you like more?"

"What kind of question is that?"

I couldn't tell whether Oozora was trying to make small talk or if he was trying to feel me out. I've been trying to get him off my tail by giving short answers to end the conversation, but he keeps bringing up new topics to continue it.

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