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The weeks following Seths murder were strange. It was all over the news what had happened and Wymack had only just been able to keeps Neils name out of it. It took him threatening some press that showed up at his office for them to leave his pack alone but eventually it worked.

The news was going on and on about who had done this and who's omega he had touched. It opened up the conversation of rather or not it's legal and 'humane' to be able to own omegas anymore. While the practice has not died out, it's no longer as popular as it was. It's really only the rich, old money families that still participate in omega betting and owning. Well, every omega has to have an owner but it's usually just their parents or a family member until they find a mate. There's many activist groups out there that have been trying to get the laws taken away that revoke omega rights but nothing has ever came of it. Since it's not as big of an issue anymore, no one seems to care.

No one except omegas understand how demeaning and frustrating it is that you still have to have a legal 'owner'.

"Maybe this will finally get people to rally around omega rights," Allison huffs as they all congregate in Matt and Neils living room watching the news.

"Doubt it," Andrew scoffs.

"Well if omega deaths and abuse never got them to consider changing the law, maybe the murder of an alpha will," Dan points out.

"Your right, they've never cared about what happens to omegas but this time the law caused the death of an alpha," Matt says with his arm around his mate.

Neil moved closer to Andrew so that their body's were only barely touching, just wanting the comfort of his alpha in some small way.

"I didn't mean to get him killed," Neil says softly.

"You did nothing," Allison snaps. "He's the one that touched you."

Allison has been hiding her grief behind anger lately. Neil wouldn't be upset if she took some time to grieve her on and off boyfriend, he would understand. He doesn't know how to go about telling her this though so he just allows her to go about it as she is.

"He deserved what he got," to everyone's surprise, Kevin said.

"Glad to know you approve of your friends decision," Matt scoffed.

Kevin growled, "He's not my friend."

Matt growled back causing Kevin to shrink a little in his seat. "You were though. You had years to have tried and protect Neil but you never did. You sat around and let Riko rape and abuse him," he growled. "It's your fault Neil has to go through everyday with PTSD from being Rikos god damn omega for 6 years."

Kevins face falls, "I didn't have much of a choice."

"It was either Neil or you, why on earth would we ever think you would choose someone else over yourself Day," Matt snarled. He clearly had been holding all of this in for a while, and now just happened to be the time it all came out.

Andrew felt how tense Neil was getting and could smell the anxiety coming off him. "Shut up," Andrew snapped at them.

"What? I'm right and you know it," Matt argued. The scent of anger was getting stronger off of Matt, to the point that Neil had moved so close to Andrew that he hadn't noticed him slip his arm around his waist.

"I wouldn't have been any good to Neil if Riko killed me," Kevin snapped standing up to storm at Matt. "I did the best I could to heal him."

"But not the best you could to keep him safe," Matt growled jumping up and grabbing Kevin by the collar of his shirt.

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