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Andrew growls at whoever is banging on the door at this late of an hour waking up Neil.

"Who is that," Neil whines grabbing Andrews hand as they both jump out of their beds.

"Let me check," Andrew grumbles dragging Neil by the hand.

"Open the damn door!" Wymacks angry voice shouts.

Andrew throws the door open, eyes narrowing at the Alpha. "What."

Wymack pushes his way in ignoring the way Neil flinches at his scent. "Have you been here with Neil all day?" Wymack asks Andrew.

"Yes," his brows crease. "Why?"

"Seths dead," Wymack says flatly. "He was killed in the hospital, in his blood they wrote on the wall 'Don't touch my omega'."

Andrew knew immediately who did it. "Riko," he growled.

Neil grabbed Andrews arm instinctively for comfort but Andrew didn't mind, he liked knowing Neil was right there without having to look.

"That's what I thought, the police told me I had to come and find out your whereabouts since the incident."

"I've been with Neil," Andrew says flatly.

Neil nods. "Andrew didn't do it."

"I know, but I had to check. I can never be to sure with you Minyard. Especially after you tried to run off and kill him," Wymack reminds them.

"I wouldn't have needed to leave a note behind to get my point across," Andrew says with a blank face. "Now get out I'm tired."

Wymack huffs, "Good talking to you too."

"Don't come wake me up at 2 in the morning accusing me of murder," Andrew retorts.

"Fair enough," Wymack agrees with a shrug. "I'll talk to you two tomorrow."

He leaves and Neil lets out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding. It came out of him as a recked sob and suddenly he was crying.

Andrew pulled him into his arms. "Please tell me your not crying cause Seth is dead," he asks.

"I don't want you to get hurt," Neil admits, hot tears running down his face.

Andrew sighs, "I can take care of myself Neil. You don't need to worry about me."

"If Riko finds out about us he'll kill you."

"Us? There is no us, this is nothing," Andrew lies, knowing Neil can feel the lie too.

Neil stifles a laugh. "You better be able to keep that up."

Andrew snorts, "I can."

"Can I sleep with you?" Neil asks cautiously.

"Fine," Andrew says dragging him back to the bedroom and laying down in Neils bed. It smells so thoroughly of Neil, Andrew wonders if he'll be able to get up in the morning. Neil lays down next to him rolling onto his side so he's facing away from Andrew.

"Can I touch you? Yes or no," Andrew says as he moves to hold Neil.

"Yes," Neil says quietly with a yawn. "It's always a yes with you."

Andrew grunts but puts his arm around Neil and pulls him closer, feeling better knowing he had Neil close. He would never admit to Neil, but the fact that Riko knew what had happened with Seth and in less than 24 hours had him killed worried him. He didn't like the idea of him having eyes on Neils whereabouts, and he silently decided he would never let Neil out of his sights. It would only take him leaving Neil alone for a few minutes for him to never see his omega again. And that thought terrified him. He didn't know what Neil had done to have gotten him so thoroughly enthralled with him, but with only knowing Neil a few weeks he couldn't imagine his future without Neil in it. He had heard that's what happens when you find your mate, that right away your attached and stuck forever. He never thought it would happen to him though, he always expected he'd be alone forever.

He sat in silence listening to Neils soft breathing and memorising the feel of his body against his own. It took him awhile to fall asleep, having to adjust to the feeling of Neil next to him. He still woke up every time Neil moved or made even a tiny sound, but he didn't mind.

The next morning he woke up before Neil of course, but didn't even consider getting up without him. He didn't want Neil to wake up to an empty bed when he had fallen asleep wrapped in someone's arms.

He drew one arm up to start playing with Neils messy curls and scratch his scalp gently like he knows Neil likes. Even in his sleep the omega leans into Andrews touch. A few minutes later Neil wakes up, his head nuzzling back against Andrews chest and leaning into his touch with a small purr.

"Good morning," Neil says, between his morning voice and already sore throat his voice sounds completely gone.

"Morning," Andrew cant help the amused snort at the sound of Neils voice.

"You can't laugh at my voice, that's mean," Neil pouts playfully.

"Don't sound like a dying frog than," Andrew retorts.

"Not my fault," Neil grumbles, jutting out his bottom lip and a crease playing between his brows.

Before Andrew has time to realise what he's doing he's leaning over and kissing the crease away from Neils forehead. Neil sighs contently with a small happy smile on his face.

"Stop smiling like that," Andrew scolds causing Neil to grin more.

"Can't help it," Neil hums. "I want to wake up next to you everyday."

They both realise what he just said at the same time. Neil turns bright red and Andrew can feel the heat creeping up his neck.

"Sorry," Neil says.

Andrew clamps a hand over his mouth. "I thought Ive told you already to stop apologising for stupid things."

"Right sor-" Neil cuts him self off and giggles.

"Shut up," Andrew grumbles.

"Make me," Neil smirks knowing exactly what kind of reaction he just rose from the alpha.

Andrews growls, "Don't make me."

"Sorry," Neil shrugs smugly.

Andrew leans forward till his lips are only an inch away from Neils. "Yes or no?"

"Yes," Neil breathes grabbing the back of Andrews neck and pulling him down till their lips collide. Warmth spreads through Andrews entire body starting at where his lips meet Neils. Andrew notes with interest how Neil kisses like he has little to no experience with the subject and realises with a jolt he very well might not.

Andrew cups Neils jaw gently, determined to make this the best kiss Neil has ever had. He smirks against Neils lips when he feels the familiar purr resonating from his omega. The sound vibrates his lips and Andrew licks Neils lower lip asking for entrance. Neil opens his mouth invitingly and Andrew immediately uses his tongue to explore all of Neils mouth. Neil moans softly against his lips and Andrew perks up at the sound, feeling more encouraged to keep on going knowing he's making his omega feel good.

Neil doesn't stop purring the whole time, and Neil isn't sure he could stop if he wanted to. His entire body feels electric and numb at the same time. His only focus on Andrew Andrew Andrew. He rakes his hands through his alphas hair and tugs gently as the alpha shivers under his touch.

When Andrew finally pulls away their both hopelessly out of breath, and staring at each other with glossed eyes.

"Your beautiful," Neil smiles up at him.

"Shut up rabbit," Andrew snaps capturing Neils lips once again. When he pulls away Neils lips are swollen and wet from kissing, and he doesn't think he's seen anyone so gorgeous before.

Neil runs his hand lovingly through Andrews hair and down the side of his face and neck until it rests just at Andrews collar bone. "I'm gonna count that as my first kiss," Neil thinks out loud. "No ones ever kissed me like that."

Andrew smirks proudly. "No ones ever been able to make you purr before either so I guess I'm full of surprises."

Neil smiles at him, "I guess you are."

Pipe Dream: ANDREILOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora