"I would love to."

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Samira stood on the side of the field watching as they played. It was close to the end of the game. Nick and Clay were running towards the goal and soon enough everyone screamed in happiness. They had won again. Samira jumped up and down in happiness. Soon enough Nick was in front of her and picked her up and hugged her and spinning around with her in his arms. She laughed as it made her dizzy.

He soon stopped and looked up into her eyes. She put her hands on each side of his face and leaned down and kissed him. She smiled happily into the kiss and then pulled a part and smiled down at him. She carefully put her down on the ground.

"Samira." He started and looked at her with a big smile on his face. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

She smiled happily before speaking. "I would love to be your girlfriend, Nick."

He then brought her in for another kiss and his friends screamed happily. When he pulled away, she brought him into a hug and she laughed as his friends and her friends were jumping up and down in happiness, because she said yes.

They all laughed and had fun for the rest of the night. Samira had now many new friends and even got herself a kind, beautiful boyfriend. She had fixed her relationship with her father, and soon was fully healed from her accident. Her and her mother had gotten even more closer, and she actually took some time off, just to hang out with Samira.

Samira could have not wished for a better life. 


This is the end of High School Drama and Samira Acker's story. I hope you all enjoyed this story. It's not the best, but I had fun writing it. This is my first book and I will try to write more.

I want to thank my friends that has always been supportive of my writing and made me publish my stories here on Wattpad. (I think my friend would have killed me if I didn't publish any of my work here on Wattpad.)

But either way I want to thank you all that read to the end and I hope you enjoyed it! 

And I think I have two more books I want to write soon. But the next one will maybe be a Technoblade X Reader. 

Goodbye for now! Have a good night/day/evening!


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