"Please, do not kill me."

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I don't know anything about american football and things like that. So, I will just write how I imagen it would be like. So, if it's not like it would happen in real life, I'm sorry. But I still hope you enjoy it!

Samira sat on the stadium waiting patiently to see who would win the game tonight. It was now the last minute of the game. And it was tie between the two teams. Everyone was sitting on edge waiting for one of them to make the last goal.

That was when the last was made and Lakewood High School all jumped up in joy. They won; the whole school was screaming in joy. The whole football team was cheering at their victory.

Samira had gone to the bottom of the stadium when it got closer to the end. So, if there were anything she needed to say or do she was ready. She jumped up and down screaming in joy. There goes another victory to their school.

The football team came over and picked up their water bottles and drank some water. After the game they were all tired and so happy. Samira walked over to them with a smile on her face. Clay turned to her with a smirk on his face.

"Looks like you need to come to more games from now on." He said and patted her on the head. She slapped his hand away like she had done to Techno before.

"Yeah, I know. But next time I'm not getting a ride with you." Samira said and hit him in the shoulder. "You guys did really great out there."

"Look! She doesn't hate us anymore!" Nick and George yelled out, before high fiving. She rolled her eyes at their actions.

"I still hate your dumb fucks." She defended herself and crossed her arms over her chest. "I will never stop hating you all."

"Hey, you don't hate me, do you." Techno stated and walked up beside her. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Mrs. Silver waved Samira over, she waved goodbye to the boys and walked to Mrs. Silver. There she was asked if she wanted to give the final speech and Samira quickly nodded. And walked away with the principal again.

Samira now stood again with the microphone in her hands, in front of everyone. She took a deep breath, before starting on her speech she had come up with in her head.

"I'm here to give the final and give the price to the winning team tonight. And I just want to say I'm so happy to be standing here and give this final speech. So, I want to thank Mrs. Silver for that." Samira started; she still had a big, happy smile on her lips. "Please the team from Lakewood High School come up here and you will get the prize for winning this game we had tonight. So, please welcome up!"

They all made their way towards Samira and Mrs. Silver. Mrs. Silver and some other people gave them the prize. Then it was time for the victory photo. The whole group stood together. Then Clay turned towards Samira.

"Samira! Come on here and be with us in the picture! Same to you Mrs. Silver! Come on over!" Clay yelled over to them. Samira was hesitating before getting pulled by Mrs. Silver towards them. The lucky thing was that her father stood at the other side of the group. Clay and Nick dragged her to the middle of the group and Mrs. Silver stood on one side and Coach Acker on the other side and Samira, the school president, was in the middle.

She had a big smile on her face as the perfect photo was taken. That photo would be put up on the wall with the other victories in the school. When they finally let her go to say the last things to her speech, her smile had gotten bigger.

"I want to thank you all for coming tonight. It's been fun to have you all from Greenfield High School here! And I hope you all enjoyed the game tonight! Take care everyone!" Samira said and gave the microphone away again and ran towards the football team.

"I hate all of you for making me join that photo." Samira stated and crossed her arms ones again over her chest. A playful smile could be spotted on her face. They all laughed, and she joined in.

"You will look so small compared to everyone else." Techno said and patted her head for the second time that day. She groaned and looked up at him with an angry look.

"Will you be angry if I kick you." She asked with an evil grin starting to form on her face.

"Well yes, I will-" Techno stared but cut of as she kicked him in the knee. He let out a yell and kneed down on the ground. She knew she would soon need to run.

"Well Clay you are giving me a ride home, right?" Samira asked and distance herself from Techno soon ready to run. Clay nodded to her and at that moment Techno got up. "Hey Tech, we can talk about this, right?"

He started running and she ran fastest her legs could take her. She let out a scream as she runs. She had kicked him in the knee so that meant he couldn't run the fastest. If he could, she would already been thrown on the ground. She was running over the whole field and back before she stopped and laid down on the grass field.

"I- I can't ru- run anymore." She breathed out and Techno stood over her. "Please, do not kill me. My life just started getting better. And I have so much to live for, I don't even have a boyfriend and I haven't had one in the last three years. So, please do not kill me."

Techno put his hands on his knees from laughing too much. Samira soon started to laugh too, almost crying. "I can't do this anymore!" Samira yelled out and started laughing even more.

"You haven't had a boyfriend in three years, how?!" Nick asked as he walked over with Clay and George to Techno and Samira. "You are the most dramatic and funny girl I have ever met."

Samira was still on the ground laughing and techno now sat on the ground. Covering his face with his hands. "You are lucky this time Samira. I will let it slide." Techno said and looked up at the boys.

As Samira heard what he said she sat up straight and looked at him with a "are you serious" look. Then she yelled "YES!" and got up and ran a small distance then came back almost dying from running. She collapsed on the ground again and laid there for a while.

Meanwhile the others stood there laughing. "Come on get up, we will leave in a bit." Clay said and stood looking down at Samira. She nodded and got up. The boys left for the locker room and Samira walked with Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur to the school parking lot. Or they ran and she walked.

"Come on Samira run the last bit!" Tommy yelled from the other side of the parking lot where Techno's car and Clay's were. Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo had got a ride with Techno to the game tonight.

"I will never run again. Even if my life depends on it!" She yelled back at the blonde boy. Her legs hurt just when she was walking, even standing hurt. But she finally had made her way over the parking lot to the boys.

"Today I think was the first time I saw you running that fast. But how the hell did you not get beaten up by him?" Wilbur stated and sat on grass. She quickly sat down beside him or more laid down.

"I just told him about my sad life and how I haven't dated anyone in the last three years. And I begged him not to kill me. Because he would have totally killed me. But then he started laughing so much and I got away. I'm the best." Samira explained to Wilbur as she looked up at the sky. It was getting darker outside and getting soon late.

The football players finally made their way out of the school. They all made their way towards the parking lot. Samira was still laying on the ground and couldn't move an inch.

"Samira come on get up." Clay complained as he now stood beside her body on the ground. He and Nick had put their bags in the car, but now needed to get her up and into the car.

"Clay, everything in my body hurt. I can't move." Samira stated and looked up at him. She then felt somebody grip her arm dragging her up so she would sit instead of laying down.

"Get up now, Samira." Nick said and tried dragging her up on her feet. She finally got up and walked over to the car and waved goodbye to her friends. She hoped in the passenger seat and put her seatbelt on, ready to go home. 

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