"I'm sorry."

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She walked down the hallway at school with a big smile on her face. Samira had on jeans shorts and a light pink crop top, and her yellow shoes. It was Wednesday morning and not many was this happy as her on a Wednesday morning. She walked up to her locker and got what she needed the slammed it shut.

"So, there is a rumour that you went on a date last night." Wilbur said as she had just closed her locker door shut. She jumped a little in surprise, as she gave him a death stare. "And you didn't even think about telling me about it. How dare you?"

"One, don't scare me like that again. Two, why do you need to know everything. And three, that rumour is between you and the other boys." Samira stated and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay, maybe you right." Wilbur started and started walking away and she quickly followed him. "So, Nick maned up and finally asked you out?"

"Maybe." She said and laughed when Wilbur rolled his eyes. "I already know, you know. So, no need for me to tell you everything."

"Of every boy in this school you chose him. Why?" Wilbur questioned and that was Samira's que to ignore him and his stupid questions. She then felt something hit her in the back of her head. She looked up at Wilbur and she knew he had just hit her in the back of her head. "Don't ignore me!"

"Well now I will. Because you hit me!" Samira stated and walked inside the classroom with Wilbur following. "Why did you hit me so fucking hard?"

"I knew you listen to me if I did. So, there is the reason." Wilbur said and walked to his seat up behind Samira. Samira rolled her eyes and waited for the class to start.

In the middle of English class, the door opened to the classroom and Coach Acker walked inside. He walked over to their English teacher and whispered something in her ear. She nodded before looking up at the students.

"Samira. Coach Acker would like to talk to you for a second." Samira's English teacher said, and Samira looked up at her then at her father. She sighed before getting up and walked out with her father.

"Okay, before you say something Samira. I want to tell you something." Samira's father started before she got the chance to speak. She sighed and nodded for him to continue. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I'm sorry I left you as a child alone with your mother. And I'm so sorry I didn't visit you while you were in the hospital. I- I came ones before you woke up, but I couldn't stay. I just couldn't see you laying there in the hospital bed. I understand you can't forgive me right now. But can you think about maybe give me a second chance?"

Samira didn't know what to say. She hadn't had this kind of conversation with her father in years. Something inside of her wanted to give him the second chance. "I will give you the second chance. But I can't forgive you right now. But maybe some time, okay?" Samira said and tried to give him a small smile.

"I totally understand." He said and smiled. There was something troubling him and she saw it. "Can I give you a hug?"

She thought about it before giving in and pulled him into a hug. He tightly hugged her back. She now realized how much she missed her dad, and his big bear hugs. A tear slid down her cheek as they hugged. When they pulled back, they smiled at each other. Something they hadn't done in years.

"I need to get back to class." Samira said and her father nodded and took off. She took a deep breath and walked back inside the classroom and made her way to her seat. And sat thru the rest of the class with a small happy smile on her face. She was happy she could maybe finally have a normal relationship with her father again. 

When the bell rang, Samira almost ran out of the classroom. She made her way out the doors and towards the parking lot. There stood Techno, Wilbur, Clay, Nick, George, Tommy and Tubbo waiting for her. She smiled and walked over to them.

"Why are you so slow?" Tommy asked annoyed. Samira knew exactly what to say to get him to shut up.

"Well Tommy-" Samira started but quickly got cut off by Tommy screaming and running all around the parking lot. "I'm the best. Should we get going then?"

"Yep. Samira you will go with Nick and Wilbur. Tommy and Tubbo will go with Techno. And George you will come with me. See you all at my house!" Clay said then got inside his car with George. Techno walked to his car with the two children following him. Samira ran over to Nick's car and sat in the passenger seat. Wilbur groaned as he got in the back, making Samira laugh. Nick started the car and they all followed Clay's car.

Samira listened to the radio and sang sometimes to annoy Wilbur. He rolled his eyes as he looked out the window. She laughed and looked outside to where they were going. She had never been to Clay's house before. So, this trip would be interesting.

They parked outside a big modern house, with two floors. They all got outside and walked towards the front door.

"Welcome to my place." Clay said and opened the door. They walked inside and Samira looked around. There was high ceilings and big windows in the direction of the backyard. To the right was a big, clean kitchen and a big living room. They all made their way to the living room and sat down on the big couch.

"You guys have a game tomorrow, right?" Samira asked looked at the guys. "If you have, I need to plan a speech."

"Yeah, we have. Then it's best you get started." Clay said and smiled. "And what did Coach want from you today, Samira?"

"Fun fact: I will maybe have a normal father and daughter relationship from now on." Samira said and smiled happily to herself. She got out her phone and started writing a speech for tomorrow night's game. They all hanged out until the boys left for practise. Samira got dropped off by Nick and he got out and kissed her a goodbye, then left for practise.

She smiled as she made her way inside and thought about everything that had happened in her life lately. It made her smile even more. She laid in bed staring at her ceiling and thought about the game tomorrow night. It would be so much fun, she thought to herself. 

High School Drama (Sapnap X OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum