"Clay, I think-"

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Samira sat starring out the window as they drove. They were now on their way to drop her off first. Because Nick begged Clay to show him were Samira lived. She didn't really care, they were talking about something, but she tuned it all out.

She was thinking about everything that happened that night. She wondered if she really hated them anymore or they could be friends? It was a question that was stuck in her head and a question she didn't have an answer to.

When she started to see the houses in her neighbourhood, it was then she snapped out of her thinking. And, listened to what Clay and Nick were talking about. Clay finally stopped in front of her house, and she got out, before closing the door she turned to them.

"Hey, thanks for inviting me tonight and drove me." Samira said with a smile on her face.

"No problem, Samira. You will be at the next game, right?" Clay said with a smirk growing on his face. She rolled her eyes and nodded and closed the door and walked inside her house. Clay started driving again to Nick's house. Clay looked in the mirror back at his friends that seemed to be deep in thought.

"Hey Nick, what are you thinking about." Clay asked worried for his best friend. Nick snapped out from whatever he was thinking about and looked at his friend.

"Do you think she still hates us, Clay?" Nick asked and looked out the window. Not making any eye contact with his friend.

"I don't know. Is there something you want to talk about?" Clay asked as he turned the corner and drove down the street, getting closer to Nick's house.

"I- I don't know how to explain it." Nick started and stared out the window. "Clay, I think I like her. I think I might be falling for a girl that hates me with her entire life."

Clay stopped in front of Nick's house and turned to look at his friend wide eyed. "You what now."

"Clay, I'm not joking. I think I have fallen for her."

Samira was walking down the hallway in school, books in her arms. It was finally Friday, last day of this school week. Samira had on a white dress with sunflowers all over it and her classic yellow shoes. Her hair was put up in a messy bun with a yellow headband holding it up.

Her first class was English and today she would need to continue with the group project she had with Nick. She had now a great idea what they could write about. She had all the books she had borrowed from the library and a notebook with her. She walked inside the classroom and sat down at her normal seat with all her books she had read thru. She was a fast reader; she had gone thru three books in less than a day. But they weren't that long she normally read.

Someone put a hand on her shoulder from behind that scared the life out of her. She turned around quickly almost falling in the process. There up behind her sat Wilbur. He had again scared the living shit out of her.

"Really Wilbur! You don't need to scare me like that." She told him off before sitting down in her seat, mumbling curse words. Soon all the students made their way inside. Samira saw as Clay and Nick made their way over. Nick sat down beside Samira and Clay sat next to Wilbur.

"You read all those books?" Nick asked as he saw the books on the desk. She quickly nodded to him. "How long did it take you?"

"Less than a day." She said as if it was normal. Nick turned towards Clay and Wilbur with his mouth open in shock. Wilbur just shrugged with a smile on his face and Clay looked almost as surprised as Nick.  

"Hey Samira. I know you have more than one idea..." Wilbur started, and Samira looked towards him and lifted an eyebrow. Then it hit her like a rock. She groaned and put her head down on the table. "So, you know you are my best friend, and you have really good ideas."

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