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Maybe some TW.

Warning: Thinking bad thoughts.

Samira had doubled checked that she had everything for school the day before. Every assignment she needed to give to her teachers and all the books she could put in her locker.

She stood in front of her mirror and looked at her new outfit. She wasn't wearing something she normally did in school. One, because she wanted to wear something comfortable and two, she really didn't have second reason.

She had on light grey leggings and a white hoodie. And she had needed to buy a new pair of yellow shoes, because the old ones had been thrown away. She picked up her bag and walked downstairs and walked out the door, making her way to school. She had decided to walk to school.

The weather was sunny with some clouds seen here and there on the sky. Samira smiled to herself as she walked down the street, listening to music. It would take some time to get to her school, but she didn't care.

Soon enough she was there. She stopped across the road from the school looking at it. She was scared or she really didn't know what she felt. Samira took a deep breath and crossed the road after looking both ways for any cars. Students were walking from the parking lot towards the school doors. Some stood outside talking to their friends and some running around.

She walked inside the school, trying not to walk into people. She finally got to her locker and sighed as she opened it, putting her books inside. She slammed the locker shut and turned around. A moment later people moved to the side of the hallway, making room for whoever was running down the hallway. Tommy and Tubbo came running towards Samira and hugged her. She let out a small "ow" and carefully hugged them back. They both say sorry and let's go of her.

"You're back, Samira!" Tubbo exclaimed and jumped up and down, with a big smile on her face. Tommy stood beside his best friend also with a big smile on his face.  

"We now officially are your bodyguards. We will protect you from people that comes too close to you." Tommy said proudly and with a grin on his face. Samira rolled her eyes and let out a chuckle. "Now what class do you have first?"

"I have Chemistry." She said and the boys nodded and took her hands and dragged her to Chemistry class. She laughed as they dragged her all the way thru the hallway. She said goodbye to the boys when they got there, and they nodded and ran away to their own class. She chuckled to herself and walked inside the classroom. Seeing her teacher already there, it was about five minutes before the bell would ring and everybody would be there. Samira walked over to her teacher and gave the assignments to her teacher and walked over to her normal seat. Slowly the students made their way into the classroom and sat down on their seats. Wilbur, that stuck out much in the small crowed of students made his way towards Samira and sat down beside her.

"You're alive and back." He said with a small smirk on his face. Samira rolled her eyes and hit him playfully in the shoulder. "Ow."

"It was your own fault." Samira said and smiled to herself. She saw Clay, George and Nick making their way inside the classroom and to their seats. She turned to Wilbur and smiled. "Are you coming to the game on Thursday?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I." He said and turned towards her. "I think that question is for you more than for me."

"Oh, shut it." Samira said and rolled her eyes. "And to answer your question, I will be at the game on Thursday."

"I didn't even ask-" Wilbur started but got cut off by the bell. Samira laughed at her tall friend as he cursed the bell for cutting him off. 

"Samira!" Someone yelled from behind and Samira turned around and stopped right in her tracks. It was her father, the person that didn't care to visit even once when she was in the hospital. Anger was building inside her as she looked at him. "I would like to talk to you."

"Oh, I'm sorry. But I won't talk to people that don't even care to visit their daughter even once when they were stuck at the hospital. After a car crash." Samira said and crossed her arms over her chest. She saw her father holding back from yelling something at her. "Now I will go. And I will not be at the PE lessons for a while. Because I'm not allowed to do anything physical."

"Samira Sammy Acker, don't you dare turn around and walk away from me." Her father said and she froze. He had just said her full name in front of everyone that were standing in this hallway. Everything she just felt a moment before left her, as she stood there in total shock. "I'm your father and you will listen to me."

Samira felt new much more anger build inside of her as she turned and walked over to her father, standing 20 feet away from him. "Don't. You. Dare. Call. Me. By. My. Full. Name." Samira started with anger written all over her face. "You have lost that privilege a long time ago. On paper you are my father, but to me... you aren't."

Her father's face expression changed from anger to shock an instant when he realized what she had said. Gasps could be heard in the hallway from the students that were there. Many was still eating lunch in the school cafeteria. The whole hallway was now silence, and everybody wanted to hear what would be said next. Samira felt someone put a hand on her shoulder and turned to the person. It was Nick. He stood there with a hand on her shoulder and shock all over his face. She shrugged him off and walked away from everyone. There was only one place she wanted to go to and that was the sports field. Not many would be there right now and then she could be alone and calm down.

One tear after another ran down her face as she made her way to the sports field. Why couldn't her father be like any other normal father? Why would he need to be so fucked up? She sat down on the stadium and brought her hands up to cover her face. Tears were now streaming down her face. She sat there sobbing and hugged her knees for comfort.

It was her first day back and she never wanted to come back again. Never. Why couldn't he had left her alone for at least one day? Or waited until she would be fully healed before talking to her? Samira just wanted to go home and never leave again. Everything was going downhill in her life right now. She felt like the whole world was against her. Someone sat down beside Samira and pulled her into a hug. She hugged the person back tightly and started crying even more.

"Shhh... You're okay now." The person whispered to her and held her tightly. They sat there for some time before Samira had finally calmed down and stopped crying. She looked up at the person who had sat there with her and just held her and waited for her to calm down. She smiled up at him and he gave her a small smile back. 

High School Drama (Sapnap X OC)Where stories live. Discover now