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"Please can every student make their way to the sports field. Please make your way to the sports field. There we will inform who is the new school president is." The voice of the principal sound thru the speaker.

All the students in the hallway turned to each other before walking out the doors on the way to the sports field. Samira was nervous, she had applied to be the school president and she really wanted to win.

It had been a long process for her, but sha had done it and was happy about it. The whole school would be there and that made her more nervous. Either she would be picked, or she would need to stand there seeing the other person getting picked.

The weather outside was sunny and warm. Wilbur and Techno walked with her towards the sports field. Trying to ensure her that she would be fine. And most people liked her in the school, and that means many can have voted for her.

Samira was happy that her friend was there for her and believed in her. They saw Tommy and Tubbo already sitting in the front row, with free seats beside them.

As soon Tommy and Tubbo saw them approaching, they waved them over. Samira sat down with her friends in the front row waiting for the announcement to start.

All the teachers stood with the principal talking about the results. Samira could see her dad with them. Her father was the football team's coach and an official member of the school system, and he was the PE teacher.

Her father and mother had separated for a long time ago. Samira lived with her mother. But visited her half-siblings and stepmother at least ones a week. But most often when her father was away.

She loved his wife and children, but the two of them didn't have the best relationship. They never really had a good relationship. There for she wanted to show her father from afar how great she could be.

The principal finally walked to the microphone and turning it on. The whole school went quiet as she tapped on the microphone.

"Welcome everyone to the announcement of the school president!" She spoke up and had a big smile on her face. "Me and some other teachers have been counting all the votes for this event. And we have got the results. There are two students that got most votes, and I would like them to join me here I front of everyone."

Samira was sitting in her seat as anxiety grew inside her. She had thought about this moment for a long time. But now it felt like she wasn't prepared at all. On the outside she looked unfaced, but on the inside she was suffocating.

"I want Oscar Dash and Samira Acker to come up here with me." The principal spoke and Samira was in shock. She was one of the people that got mot votes. She thought to herself.

She shook of the feeling as Wilbur and Techno pushed her out of seat. They both gave her a smirk before she walked up next to the principal.

To the principal's right stood Oscar and to her left stood Samira. Samira looked up at the public. It was so many people there and there stood she in front of the whole school.

She looked towards her father that stood on the side. He had a small smile on his face as he looked at her. She ignored it before looking back at everyone else.

If he really cares, he will come and say congratulations or good job afterwards. She thought to herself.

"The person that got the most votes in this election is..." The principal spoke and opened a letter. Everyone sat waiting patiently in their seat on an answer. "The new school president is... Samira Acker!"

Samira stood in shock as the sound of applauds erupted the crowd. Whistling could also be heard. Samira looked towards her friends on the first row. They all stood up and applaud and had big smiles on their faces.

Samira's lips curved into a big smile, one of the biggest smiles she had ever smiled. The principal turned to her and shook her and congratulated her.

"Good job, Samira." Oscar said and shook her hand.

"You too, Oscar." She smiled and turned to the other teachers that congratulated her. She had said so much thank you already that she will in the future hate that word.

Samira was looking for one person to come up to het to congratulate her. But he was nowhere to be found. Her own father hadn't even come up to her to congratulate her on something she had worked so hard on.

When she was allowed to leave for her friends, she ran over to them. Her big smile wasn't as big anymore and one of her friends noticed. But someone else had too noticed but didn't walk over to her to ask what happened.

"Hey, everything alright?" Techno asked as she stood beside him. She looked up at him and tried her best to ensure him she was alright but failed miserly.

"You know I hate my dad even more now." Samira said and looked down on the ground. "He didn't even say congratulations to me. I don't even know if he stayed the entire time."

Techno put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and smiled. Techno was slightly towering over her. He had short, pink hair and he was on the football team. That meant he knew her father.

She sighed before they walked towards the school again. And now it was finally lunch. This whole announcement had taken almost the whole lesson. And the teachers were nice enough to let them all go to lunch a little earlier.

Samira sat down in the school cafeteria together with her friends, Techno, Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur. She would later go to the sports field to meet her other friends. That wasn't boys. She now sat with her head against the table as the boys sat down.

"How are the new school president doing?" Wilbur asked with a smirk on his face. He knew the question would annoy her and it did. A groan was heard from her, before she looked up at him.

"I hate the sentence thank you from now on." She said and pulled her hands thru her hair.

"You have so many new things you can and need to do." Tommy told her and then stuffed his face with food. She rolled her eyes.

"You now need to plan every dance; help plan bigger events and even go on some of our games. Isn't that fun, Samira?" Techno told her and sat down in front of her. She just gave him a 'really' look. "And every move you make someone will see it."

As she heard him say that she let her head fall face first into the table. Before she was popular and never left alone, but now she would be even more popular, and nobody would leave her or stop watching her every move.

"I hate this world." Samira groaned and looked up at her friends. "I will leave now. Because you all are so mean. And I need to see my girl best friends. Bye, see you later guys!"

Samira got up from her seat and waved goodbye to her friends. They waved back happily, before going back to their conversation.

She walked out of the school cafeteria down the hall towards the sports field. Walking out the door a wind of warmth came over her. She took a deep breath and walked to the sports field.

On the stadium sat three of Samira's friends. Niki, Minx and Puffy they had been friends for a long time. They sat there waving to Samira as she walked up the stadium.  

High School Drama (Sapnap X OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat