"Oh boy, if Adonis is growling, then I know it's bad. Just tell me" Meena told him after moving to her initial seat. Her eyebrows were furrowed her eyes held deep concern.

"I found my mate". Demitri mumbled.

" Another one apart from the manipulator?" Meena asked in a bored tone but his growl made her sit upright.

"She's my mate. My true mate!" He yelled at her making her eyes go as wide as saucers. She badly wished it was a joke but it was Demitri's wolf speaking through his human side. Adonis would not lie about his mate.

"H-How?" There were so many things she had wanted to say, so many questions she wanted to ask but her throat turned dry and her lips failed her.

"The fuck do I know. Oi moíres picked me as a pawn in one of their many chess games"

"So you... Your- shit!" Meena fumbled.
Her lips were failing her.

"Yeah shit is right. I'm fucked" Demitri sighed.

"So what will you do?"

"I wish I knew"

Demitri leaned back in his seat.

"If you don't don't act fast, things will get messier than they already are"

"Thanks for the reminder I definitely didn't need"

"I'm sorry. I'm just surprised right now"

"I was surprised when I found out too."

"Wait-" Meena whispered after a pause.
"If she's your mate, then your next heat could be anytime soon" She said with a gasp

"I know"

"No, Demi. This would be the second heat since you met and you're still in denial if the bond. If you anger Thea Seléni and oi moíres, you could experience worse than losing your wolf, Demi. You die" Meena explained.

"Maybe death would be better"

"No Demi. You die and you die a lost wolf" She whispered the last part.
Demitri's eyes went wide as he realized what his sister meant. A lost wolf. No. He couldn't have that. That was worse than losing his wolf. Way worse.

"I'm fucked". He whispered to himself. He tugged on his hair angrily. He realized he had no way out. Absolutely no fucking way.

"Well, witches might be good for one thing"

"What did you suggest?"

"Break the bond"

There was silence after she said it. It was true but Demitri hadn't considered it. They could try to break the bond but that had consequences as well. Consequences like never being balanced with his wolf, losing his wolf or even worse,a dying a lost wolf.
But it would be worth trying. If his mate agreed. If. If .

"I'm considering it now that you mentioned it"

"I'm sure you agree on one thing. Sworn enemies. So I'm sure it'll be easy"

"That's true. Definitely"


Aria ripped the sheets off her harshly. Her body burned. She was drenched in sweat. She tore off her night dress off her.

Not again
Not again

She kept chanting as she practically wobbled to her bathroom, crawling into the tub. Good thing her cold bath had been prepared early at dawn.

She felt horrible. She wanted to rip her burning skin off her too but that would be suicide so she endured the burn and laid in the tub, weak.

She let out moans of pain as she sat in the bath.


Her body wasn't just burning. It burned with need for her mate. She would have laughed if she wasn't in so much pain that laughter would be a painful grimace. Her body craved a mate that didn't want anything to do with her. A mate she hated and the same one who hated her with equal passion or more.

The cold water that was giving her some relief from pain had turned hot in the few minutes she was in. She bit the inside of her cheeks to prevent the scream from escaping her lips. She had planned to go through her heat alone. Without bothering Lina.
She could only do so for a few minutes then the pain increased a tenfold.

Her senses were heightened than they normally were so she heard her door being opened. She smelled Lina first and then Demitri? Only he smelled like fresh rain mixed with cinnamon.

She thought she was being delusional as a result of the pain.

Demitri shouted bursting into the bathroom, Lina trailing behind him. She hated him. The moon knows she didn't like his kind but she swore her name had never sounded that sweet till he pronounced it.

"I tried stopping him but I guess it's even good he's here". Lina told her sister who only nodded.

Demitri grabbed a towel and helped her out of the tub. His presence alone made her calm. She said nothing as he led her to her bed laid her on it, moving to spoon her body from behind. Sparks erupted everywhere they touched but she wasn't going to complain. It felt nice.

Demitri had lost control of Adonis for the first time as he was too weak to be in control. Adonis had ran all the way from Crescent Moon Pack because of the heat. This one was intense as compared to the previous ones. He had no way of controlling his wolf.

Aria was drifting into consciousness as she was in her mate's arms but as soon as she felt tingles on her neck, her eyes shot open. She had little time to react. She didn't see it coming. She didn't think it would happen.

She cried as fangs sunk into her neck.
Demitri marked her as his, claiming her.
It was supposed to be a nice feeling, a beautiful experience. With her consent but he had marked her without her consent. They didn't even want each other yet he marked her. The mark on her neck burned. It hurt.
It hurt because she still hadn't accepted him as her mate.

Her eyes glowed a deep shade of purple as she shot out of her bed to stand. Naked,teary and fuming.
Demitri had no time to react as her fingers turned into claws and she jumped onto him, scratching his torso and causing him to bleed.

"How dare you?!" She seethed.

She lunged for him again but he caused her hands, keeping them away from him.

Her face was tearstained as she struggled to free herself from him. Adonis had given Demitri some control so he could see why she was furious but he could do nothing about it. Adonis had taken her calmness as he helped her out of the tub as acceptance and marked her against her will.

Now breaking the bond was not going to happen. He wasn't ready to lose his wolf though he was disappointed and angry.

At least he didn't die from heat but he surely could die from her sending Adonis to sleep again, with her hateful glare.
That was how strong the mate bond was. It could cost you a wolf if your mate refused to accept it.
He was able to wake him up the other time but he doubted Adonis would ever wake up again.

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