Chapter 34

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Dad pulled into the parking lot and quickly hopped out of the car.

"Come onnnn Jr! I'm hungry." He whined as I made my way out of the passenger side.

"I know I know. You're so impatient." I joked jabbing him in the chest.

"Yeah yeah let's just go sit down."

We of course picked Red Robin since we were both such big burger fans, and who could pass up freckled lemonade and bottomless fries?

Being such frequent customers the staff has reserved a special table specifically for us. They all knew us and not just because my dad was famous. They all took the time to actually get to know us, the things you wouldn't know from a tv interview or broadcast.

"How are you doing today Tesoro?" Elena the little ol' Italian lady who owned the store asked.

She was by far my favorite employee ever since I was a little kid. She always acted as a surrogate grandmother and was so helpful after my mom passed. She was even given the nickname nana Elena.

"Ciao nana Elena." I greeted hugging her tightly.

"Oh it's been so long since I've seen you and your father. How are you guys doing?" She asked leading us to the table.

"She's keeping me on my toes, as always." Dad chuckled ruffling up my hair.

"She's always been a spirited young girl. Anthony, you should know this by now!" Elena lectured.

"Yeah Anthony." I mocked.

"Oh Tesoro what happened to your arm?" Elena asked concerned.

"Oh it's nothing nana, just hazards that come with the job." I explained.

"Ohh you're mother would be so proud of you. Do you guys want menus or are we going with the standard order."

"Standard order Elena." Dad answered.

. . .

"Alright Jr my card is on the table, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back."


Incoming Call from Underoos

"Sup Parker?"


"Yeah, Peter what's wrong?"

"Jr I-I-I-"

"Hey, Peter. Calm down. You're going to make yourself sick."

"I c-can't Jr."

"Yes you can Peter."

It took Peter a few seconds to calm himself enough to be able to talk.

"Talk to me Peter, what's wrong?"

"It's May, she's just been in a car crash. She was hit head on, they said she was pretty bad." He trailed off with his voice cracking slightly at the end.

"Where are you now?"

"I'm in my car. I had to pull over when they called, and I haven't been calm enough to drive again."

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