goodbye and hello

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''Do you promise you'll fisit me Natsu-sama?'' Lydia, the girl Natsu took care off asked when Natsu grabbed his bag. Natsu smiled and stroke her hair.

''Ufcorce. And besides, i won't be gone for long.'' He said. Lydia nodded sad and stapped back. Natsu turned around to face Makarov.

''You know what the plan is.'' He said and walked over to him. Makarov nodded.

''Ufcorce. I came up with it.'' He said and stepped into the cart. Natsu sighed and stepped in.

''No worry's about motion sickness?'' Makarov asked. Natsu shook his head.

''No, not anymore. Since i have this power it dissapeard.'' He said and smiled. Makarov sighed,

''I'm glad to hear that. Now i don't have to listen to you complaining.'' Makarov said with a little smile.

''HEY! I wasn't that bad!'' Natsu said and crossed his arms. Makarov laughed.

''You're wrong Nats. You haven't changed a bit.'' Makarov said and looked out of the window. Natsu sighed and grinned.

''Probably not in your eyes. But what about the others? I don't really look like myself anymore do i?" He said and spread his arms to show his clothes.

Makarov sighed and nodded. ''Yes your right. But they probably don't focus on you clothes when they see you after 2 years.'' He said and looked serious at Natsu. Natsu nodded slowly.

''How is everyone doing?'' He asked and looked curious at the old man.

''There good. They've been practicing alot so they're really strong.'' Makarov said proud.

''Eh, that good to hear. Now i'm really curious.'' Natsu said and looked at the scarf he had in his hands. ''What about Happy and Lucy?'' He asked with sparkling eyes.

Makarov smiled softly, he whas glad that Natsu whas wondering about how everyone whas doing. ''Happy lives with Lucy and they are training really hard.''

''Eeeh, thats good.''He said and looked at his shoulder where the fairy tail mark whas on.

''Lucy are you comming?'' Happy asked with alot of fish in his arms. Lucy looked up and smiled at him.

''Yea one minute.'' She said and placed a buch of red roses on the grave of her mother. She smiled sad and wispered something, to soft for happy to hear it.

''What were you saying?'' Happy asked when they were walking back to the guild.

''Just that i miss and love her. Nothing important.'' She said and looked at the blue sky. Happy nodded slowly.

''But that is important isn't it? Loving someone is really important to me, alomst as much as missing someone.'' Happy said and took a bite of one of his fished.

Lucy smiled softly and nodded. ''Yes. Your right. But sometimes missing or loving someone doesn't matter...'' She said softly and looked at the back of her hand with the Fairy Tail mark on it.

''LUCYYY! MASTER IS BACK!'' Happy screamed happy, dropped all his fish and ran over to the guild. Lucy stared at the guild and saw a cars with the sign of Fairy tail on it before the guild.

''W-wait Happy!'' She said and ran after him, almost tripped over a fish. She barly could keep her balance and fell on her knees.

''Jeez Happy, don't trow your fish away like that..'' She said and grabbed the fish. When she stood up she saw someone comming out of the cart. The person whas wearing a cape so she couldn't see his face, but alot of people were standing around the person. Lucy walked over to the crowd and wriggled through the crowd.

''Why is everyone standing here?" She asked Levy who whas talking to Lisanna. Levy turned to her with big eyes and wispered something in her ear.

Lucy's eyes widened. ''W-what..'' She stottered and looked at the person with the cape. He whas walking next to Laxus and Mater who were getting him through the crowd.

''Jeez, why are they so exited that you back!?'' Natsu asked and took the coat off. You could see all the scars and bruses on his body. Laxus whas looking with big eyes at him.

''Well maybe because your back..'' He said with a stern tone. Natsu turned to him.

''B-but how did they knew it whas me!?'' He said and looked at Makarov. ''Our plan whas perfect! They shouldn't notice it whas me!'' He said and looked at the ground.

''They probably didn't saw your face, but your marks were showing.'' Laxus said and pointed at Natsu's arms.

''Tch.. I had to coffer them..'' He said with an angry tone and sat down on a chair. ''When are you letting them inside Master? They are really curious right now aren't they?''

''But i thou-''

''I know i said i didn't wanted to see them but i changed my mind.'' Natsu said with an emotionless glare in his eyes. Makarov sighed and nodded.

''Open the doors Laxus, Let them in..''

The end of me (fairy tail fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now