chapter 9

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When the 'Search for Natsu' arrived at Magnolia with Natsu, Lucy looked sad. She still didn't know how to respond on what Natsu said after they left. His words were echoing in her head. 'Then Kill me.' It gave her shiver. When they arrived at the Guild Erza hurried to the door's and opened them.

''WE'RE BACK!'' She screamed with a smile. Everyone looked up from what they were doing. They all saw Erza, Lucy, Gray and the others who looked for Natsu.

Makarov walked over to Erza. ''And?'' He asked.

Erza smiled Natsu and grabbed by the collar, she pulled him forward and pointed at him. ''Mission completed!'' She said and let go. Everone's eyes widened when they saw the pink haired dragon slayer.

''NATSUUUUUU!!!!'' Some people from the guild screamed, ran over to Natsu and hugged him. Natsu fell because of all the people who hugged him and fell to the ground. 

''Lu-chan welcome back!'' Levy said and hugged Lucy. 

''Thank you Levy-chan..'' Lucy said and hugged the blue haired mage.

''What's wrong? You seem down. I thought you would be really happy that you find Natsu!'' Levy looked over to the bunch of people who were laying on Natsu.

''O, it's nothing. I'm just tired that's all!'' Lucy said and smiled as credible as possible.

''If you say so!'' Levy said and, took her hand and walked over to the others.

''Natsu!'' Master Makarov said and walked over to the bunch of poeple. Everyone stood up and walked away showing Natsu who whas sitting on the ground. He looked down to Natsu who whas looking away.

''I'm sorry Gramps.. I know i ne--''

''Silent! You are a fool that you didn't let us know that you left! You had made us really worried Natsu.'' Makarov said. Natsu looked at the ground in silence.

''That's why you are gonna tell me everyhing later. But even so.. I'm glad you're back.'' Makarov said and smiled at him.

''Welcome home Natsu!''

Natsu whas standing on the roof looking at the stars.

''Hey..'' Lucy said and waved at him.

''Hey.'' Natsu said and waved back.

''What are you doing here? Everyone is inside.'' 

''I just wanted to go outside.. Were is Hiro by the way?'' Natsu said and looked worried at Lucy.

Lucy laughed. ''He is with Juvia don't worry!'' She said. Natsu smiled. ''Good.''

''How did you actually met Hiro?'' Lucy asked and looked at the dragon slayer.

''O, i met him in the woods. He told me it whas better to forget about the past and look forward to thge futere. He whas kinda the person who i talked to. Actually you but than a boy fersion.''

Lucy bluched and looked away. ''Hiro is a nice boy isn't he?''

Natsu laughed. ''Are you falling for him Lucy?'' He said and hit on her back.

''N-no! Ufcorce not he is like 14!''

''So? If it's really love it doesn't mind does it?''

''Y-yea.. But even so.. There is already someone... someone i.. i like..'' Lucy said bluching.

''REALLY!'' Natsu said and grabbed her shoulders. ''Who is it? Do i know him?'' He said with big bright green eyes.

Lucy took a deep breath and nodded. ''Yes you know him.''

''Who is it? You tell me right!? We are best friends!'' He said and wrapped his arm around her.

'Ah right.. He just sees me as his buddie..' Lucy thought. ''No sorry! It's a secret.'' Lucy said and walked backwards.

''Aaah?! B-but!!'' Natsu said and walked after her. 

''I will tell you soon enough. Just wait.'' Lucy said and walked inside.

''OKEY!'' Natsu said to her, He walked back and looked up.

''So Lucy is in love huh?''


Well here is another part so i hope you will like it!

And please guys if you have any ideas, please share them with me!!

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