chapter 8

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Gray looked at the ground. ''You have to be joking right...''

''Why do you guys think i would say this for fun!?'' Natsu said and clenged his fists.

''It's not that i think you say it for fun.. I just don't believe that your E.N.D..''

''Are you sure that your E.N.D?'' Erza said and walked over to Natsu. Natsu nodded slowly. ''How do you know then?'' 

''Does that really matter!?'' Natsu asked with fear in his eyes. He didn't knew what he had to do.

''YES UNFORCE IT DOES MORAN!'' Gray screamed and walked over to Natsu. ''YOUR FREAKING E.N.D SO UNFORCE IT MATTERS!'' He said and grabbed Natsu by his shirt. Gray now realiced that Natsu wasn't wearing his scarf.

Natsu looked with big eyes at his friend. Gray seemed angry and afraid. ''Okey i tell it..'' He said. Gray let go of his shirt and stepped back.

''It whas a week before i left, I whas walking over the streets of Magnolia. I felt wierd and had a headache. When i arrifed at the guild no one whas there. I searched for someone but i couln't find anyone, so i decited to go search outside. When i did that all kind of demons came to me, some of them tried to even kill me..'' Natsu took a diep breath. ''I tried to run away but when i did that someone grabbed my arm. When i turned around i saw Zeref standing behind me. He touched my head with a magic stick thing and when he did i saw all kind of things. Memories from my past before i met Igneel, when Zeref created me and why.. Agnolia tried to kill me in one of my memories but she failed, and that's why i didn't remember being E.N.D''

Natsu looked at his friends and saw the confused and worried faces. ''The thing is.. it was never meant that i'm here, or that Igneel educate me. That's why i ran away.. i would be better for everyone if i left because that whas how it should be.''

''T-that's impossible..'' Wendy said and looked at Natsu. ''But your a dragon slayer! How about that than?!''

Natsu stood up and shrugged. ''I don't know. I'm not even sure if what i saw whas true or if it were fake memories.''

''But.. what if it's true..'' Lucy said and looked at the ground. ''Are you gonna kill us then.'' Lucy slowly looked up. When she looked Natsu in the eyes she saw how angry he looked at her.

''You really think i would do that?!'' He said with fire in his eyes.

''NO UFCORCE NOT! It's just that i... i...'' Lucy said with tears in her eyes. ''It's okey never mind.'' Natsu said and looked away. 

''What are we gonna do now?'' Wendy asked and looked worried at her friends. 

''We are gonna go back to Fairy Tail and tell them everything. Hiro you come to!'' Juvia said and grabbed Hiro's hand. It whas one of the first times Juvia said something without saying 'Juvia thinks' 

Everyone nodded and started to grab all there stuff. When they were done they began to walk back to magnolia.

''O and guys.'' Natsu said and stopped before Erza's large cart. ''If i turn into E.N.D and try to harm any of you... Then...'' 

''Then what?'' Lucy said and walked over to Natsu.

''Then Kill me.''


Sorry! This chapter whas really short and confusing i know, i know ;p I'm trying my best to upload on all my stories but it's stressing me out :O School is really anoying me tbh. But i have vacation soon so then i will upload as many chapters as i can :)  

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