chapter 5

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''NATSU STOP!'' Lucy screamed as hard as she could. ''N-NASTU PLEASE!'' Finally her words reached him. He looked around and stopped ranning. ''I-i don't want you to leave us Natsu.. don't run anymore.'' Lucy said while tears were rolling down her cheeks. She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it. When Hiro noticed that Natsu stood stil he stopped running and looked at him. ''Natsu?'' Hiro walked to Natsu and stood next to him. ''Natsu please! We are your friends! Why did you leave? Just..'' Lucy clenged her fists . ''JUST TELL US YOU MORAN!'' The moment Lucy started to scream something snapped in Natsu's head. ''Why would i..'' He said so soft only Wendy could hear him. Because she whas a dragon slayer she could hear really good. ''YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND LUCY!'' Natsu said and looked with tears in his eyes at the blond. ''I-i'm trying to protect you guys. It better for everyone to leave me ALONE!'' He said and turned around. When Natsu turned around he bumbed in Erza. He fell on the ground. ''We can't Natsu. We promissed everyone that we didn't return without you! SO JUST COME WITH US!'' Erza said and looked to the sky. Gray, Juvia and Gajeel stood behind them. Natsu stood up and looked at them with cold eyes. They almost didn't recognize him. ''You can't force me.'' He said and walked past them. Hiro whas looking at the ground when he felt a hand on his shoulder. When he looked up it whas the girl with blond hair, Lucy. ''Natsu.. i don't care what your reason is but you are comming with me.'' She said and walked to him. She wrapped her arms around him. ''HAPPY NOW!'' She screamed while she hold him close. For a fire mage Natsu felt really cold. When he felt Lucy's warmth he calmed down. He felt dizzy and felt down. ''What the..'' He said and drew an arrow from his shoulder. When he looked at the sky he saw Happy above him with tears in his eyes. ''S-sorry Natsuuu!!'' He said and hugged him. Before Natsu could say anything he fainted.

Hello everyone.

We found Natsu. We are comming home now but he don't know. We still don't know why he left. We will bring him to the guild and maybe we can ask him then. I will see you guys soon. Bye bye



''I still don't know who these people are but they seem to be important to Natsu. They are taking me with them, i didn't want to but the scary Lady with red hair forced me. I don't know why i didn't help Natsu. Maybe because i knew that i couldn't win.''  Hiro closed his jurnal and looked at the drawing what whas signed on it. It whas him and a girl around his age with curly white hair and yellow bright eyes. He had the odd feeling he knew her. He ran with his finger over the painting when he heard someone talking to him. When he looked up he saw a girl with Blue hair and blue eyes standing to him. ''Sorry! I didn't  want to scare you!'' The girl said and sat down. ''I'm Juvia by the way.. I guess i didn't tell you that right?'' Juvia asked and smiled at him. Hiro shook his head. ''I'm Hiro..'' For some reason Hiro felt like he could just normally talk to her. ''I know it's wierd that you were forced to come with us but.. It's really for Natsu-san's sake..'' She said and looked at Natsu. ''Don't worry about it. I don't really care, you seemed to be important to him. Also.. i want to know why he ran away..'' Juvia looked with big eyes at Hiro. ''I know it's wierd.. i don't even know him so well. But even so...'' Hiro clenged his fists. ''He still took me with him.. even after i said that he had to forget'' ''Forget what?'' ''Forget you guys.. I said- i-i said he had to forget you..''Hiro looked at Juvia with tears in his eyes. ''It's my foult that he didn't wanted to come! It's my foult he is now like this.. I-i'm sorry Juvia-san..'' He coffered his face with his hands. ''I'm so sorry! I understand if you all hate me now.. I will never do it again! I will help! I'm sorry!'' Juvia wrapped her armes around the boy. She felt he whas shaking. She stroke his head. ''Don't worry. We're not angry! It's not your foult, i'm sure you did it because you saw he whas suffering right?'' ''Yes but..'' ''Than there is now need to be sorry! You did it to help him, so calm down we don't blame you for anything that happened to him!'' Hiro nodded and higged her back. ''Thank you.'' He said and smiled.


I'M SO SORRY MINA-SAN!! School is killing me and my internet broke down so i wasn't able to update! Also sorry for my bad english :3 I will try to post soon! And if you have any ideas, comment bellow! I will mabe post them in the story :D 

Thanks for reading :3

The end of me (fairy tail fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora