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Y/n's pov

         I laid on top of Sevika chest. I listened to the sound of her heartbeat. It almost put me to sleep how rhythmic it sounded. Sometimes I worry she'll die in her sleep from how of that shimmer in her system, so I just listen to make sure a beat is there. Luckily she was still sleeping. If she awoken right now se would've immediately got out of bed and go run errands for Silco. I'm not annoyed by the fact she's rarely at home. I know being Silco's right hand consist of having her by his side or doing something for him 24/7; But it does upset me a bit when I don't get to sleep next to her. I felt Sevika shift under me signaling she was waking up now.

       I sat up to hover over her a bit, her tired grey eyes lighting up a bit when I came into view.

       "Good morning my little ogre~", I teased."Please no not this early", she sighed closing her eyes. "I'm only teasing", I giggled moving onto her hips and leaned down towards her neck. I began placing light kisses against her neck. She let out a sigh enjoying my kisses before grabbing my hips and moved me off of her. I plopped onto the blankets then watched her slid out from under the covers.

        "I got to go", she said sitting on the edge of the bed. Before she could get up I wrapped my arms around her.

         "Just five more minutes", I begged. "No", she replied shrugging me off. "Come on you promised me five minutes of cuddling", I fussed. "Another time then", she said getting off the bed to get dressed. "No no you promised me I'm sure Silco could let me borrow you for five minutes", I giggled getting out of the bed as well. "Not now Y/n", she sighed pulling her pants. I gave her a look.

          "What you mean by not now", I questioned. "You're being annoying that's what I mean", she fussed pulling her crop shirt over her head. "Annoying", I scoffed. "Yeah annoying", she snapped. "I'm sorry for wanting to cuddle with my fucking girlfriend for a couple of minutes", I chuckled dryly as she buckled her shirt up. "You've been using your spare time being by Silco's side more than mine", I fussed. "Hell you even go gambling most of your time", I snapped. "Like I said he's the best for Zaun", she repeated that same phrase. I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. She stopped what she was doing when I did.

          "What's with that", she asked. "Nothing just go", I replied. "No if you have an issue say it", she huffed getting up in my personal space. "..Have you not been listening to what I was just saying", I sighed. "And you keep saying that same goddamn phrase over and over again", I fussed.  "He's the best for Zaun", "he's going to help the nation of Zaun", "He'll lead Zaun to victory", I ranted. "It's your only fucking excuse for not coming to see me", I huffed. "It's the truth there is more work to be done", she snapped. "Watch your tone", I snapped jabbing a finger into her chest.

           "Who's side you even on", she questioned. "Neither I don't care for politics", I answered. "So you're on the piltover's side", she said. "Not even close stop assuming shit", I fussed. "It's either that or Zaun you can't just stay out of it", she frowned. "Why can I just not care Silco doesn't give a shit that his shimmer is ruining most of Zaun's nation already", I ranted. "Not like you're any different, poisoning those people that come here", she fussed. "I don't kill children Silco does so there is a goddamn different", I snapped. "You know I'm suppose to hurt people like you, anyone who goes against Silco", she stated causing me to let out a laugh.

           "So you gonna hurt me now Sevika", I questioned. "Cause that's what you do right? You hurt anyone who comes even this close to you right", I snapped shoving her back causing her to stumble back into the hallway. "Y/n", she warned. "NO GET THE HELL OUT", I shouted shoving her again. "YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THREATEN ME..", I began shoving her once more. "...IN MY OWN HOME", I finished shoving her again, but she stood her ground this time. We were. now standing in the doorway to my bedroom.

            "Y/N-What you said you was going to hurt me right", I snapped. "Go ahead do it then so I have a reason to make you leave faster", I snapped going to shove her again.         

             Suddenly her mechanical arm launched out towards me. It punched a hole in the wall beside me creating a hole in my wall. I stood firm in my place; of course from how quickly her arm attacked the wall scared the shit out of me, but I can't ;et her know that. Sevika didn't even look phased.

            "You keep whining and whining it's getting goddamn annoying", she fussed. "Besides you can occupy yourself at the brothel getting fucked like cheap whore for a living", she shouted. I just glared up at her. The anger taking over my hurt.

            "Quiet now? Go on you were acting all big and bad earlier go on anything else you want to whine about", she snapped. "..I quit the brothel for you", I stated now looking back at her. "The only place I felt accepted and the only person I had in this world...I left it for an idiot like you", I admitted shaking my head while looking away. She just stayed quiet her angered face softening a bit.

           "Go Sevika do whatever the hell you want I don't care anymore", I said. She just stood there. After a minute she finally stepped away from and walked off. I didn't bother watching her. Once I heard the door slam close I let out a shaky sigh. I bite down hard my lip to stop myself crying. I refuse to fry over someone like her. I fucking hate her so much. So so very much to the point it hurts my own soul.

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