I'll keep you safe (requested)

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A heavy sigh fell from your lips as you reached Hoyeon's voicemail once again.

It's a few minutes after nine at night and you're still waiting for Hoyeon to show up. She was supposed to already be here, parked right in front of the curb to pick you up after a long day of work.

But she's still not here and you're getting a little bored of waiting here all by yourself.

"I'm guessing you're either still working or lost track of time. Either way, I'm going to walk home. It's not far from the house so I should be home in no time. I love you and hope you're on your way home too because I could really use a hug after the day I had. See you soon."

You left the voicemail for her before ending the call and beginning to head home.

You're not at all upset with your girlfriend. She was supposed to have a busy day today as well and you assume she's either still working hard or got home and lost track of time doing whatever she got caught up with.

It was okay either way. The house is only about twenty minutes from your work and, truthfully, after the day you had, you could use the fresh air.

You tightened your bag over your shoulder and held onto your phone in one of your hands, deciding that it was best to keep it within reach just in case anything were to happen.

You can never be too safe.

You walked through the neighborhoods with your head high, trying not to look away from your surroundings. You watched a couple of cars go by and listened to the leaves rustle on the trees and dogs barking in the distance.

But there was another sound that you heard, one coming from behind you.

Footsteps and fast ones at that.

You turned your head and noticed a figure not far behind you. The person kept their head down, staring at the ground as they walked.

You turned back to do the same but you quickened your pace, getting some creepy vibes from the person behind you.

But the faster you walked, the faster they walked, too.

You didn't stop, your feet moving as fast as they could possibly go.

Feeling as though you were in danger, you unlocked your phone and got ready to call someone.

But suddenly, you gasped as you heard a loud pop come from just behind you.

It was so loud, almost like a firework right in your ear.

You tried to keep walking but you took a few more steps before feeling a sharp pain in your back.

You fell to the ground, your phone landing beside you, the screen cracking from the fall.

You reached back and placed your hand on your skin and you were shocked to find a little blood on your fingers when you pulled your hand back to look at it.

You heard the footsteps once more, the person now standing in front of you.

You realized what was happening then.

You could see the weapon in the strangers hand as they stood in front of you, sending a chill and a rush of fear down your spine.

You were about to scream at the top of your lungs for help, your lips parting to do so.

But then, you heard someone yelling out to the person in front of you, informing them that they'd called for help.

The person must've felt too afraid upon being caught and began to run as fast as they could while the man who called for help rushed across the street to your side.

He begged for you to keep your eyes open, his hand taking hold of yours.

"Don't let go." He instructed and listened to you breathe, telling you repeatedly that you were going to be fine and that help was coming.

It was so close. You just had to hang in there.

And you did. You didn't dare close your eyes and you kept squeezing his hand tightly, which told him you were still there.

When help arrived, you were put into the ambulance and taken off to the hospital.

"Hoyeon." You mumbled and the medic gazed at you in confusion, although she listened closely. "My girlfriend. Please tell her when we get to the hospital."

The medic quickly nodded, encouraging you to keep your eyes wide open.

But you felt so exhausted and couldn't help but give in to the need for sleep and closed your eyes.

When you awoke, you felt fingers tightly wrapped around yours.

You opened your eyes slowly and heard a gasp from beside you. You turned your head and found Hoyeon sitting there, tears welling up in her eyes from the relief and happiness she suddenly felt rush over her.

"You're okay." She said as she scooted her chair closer to you and kissed your knuckles. "Everything's okay."

You tried to move a little but winced from the pain you felt upon doing so.

"Don't move, my love." She said and you put your head against the pillow. "You remember what happened, right?"

"I think so." You spoke with a weak voice. "I was on my way home-"

"And someone hurt you." She interrupted with a sob, completely terrified over what happened to you.

You remembered it then. The awful, dreadful sound of the weapon and the pain and horror you felt.

"They caught the person that did this to me, right?"

Hoyeon stared at you for a few seconds before she shook her head as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"No. They're still looking. The man who called for help for you got a glimpse of the guy's face and they're on the lookout for him but they haven't caught him yet."

"What if he finds me somehow or they don't catch him?"

"They will, y/n. They will, I promise you. They're working hard on it. They're not going to give up until he's locked up." She promised as she squeezed your hand reassuringly.

You breathed out a shaky sigh and squeezed her hand back before she began to brush her thumb across your palm in comfort.

"I'm so sorry I didn't pick you up. If I had, this wouldn't have happened to you."

"No, Hoyeon, don't do this. It's not your fault."

She closed her eyes as more tears streamed down her cheeks.

"I'm okay. I'm alive. That's all that matters, right?"

She nodded her head before leaning in to kiss your forehead lovingly.

"I won't let him hurt you again. I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll keep you safe and do whatever I can to help you through this. No matter what, I'm in this with you. I'm by your side through whatever happens."

"Thank you." You sniffled and tapped your lips, watching as she chuckled through her tears over you doing so.

She leaned in and kissed your lips ever so softly, the sweet brush of her lips on yours bringing you relief.

"I love you."

"I love you more." She smiled. "And I got this for you."

She handed you the stuffed plushie she got from the gift shop while you slept, before she was allowed in the room with you.

She put it by your left side and you giggled when you read the words 'I love you' on it.

"Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome. I hope you feel better soon." She said as she continued to hold your hand with one of hers, using the other to brush the hair away from your face and putting the strands behind your ears.

"I already do... because I've got you here with me."

"Always." She promised and kissed your cheek softly, swearing that she'd never let anything or anyone hurt you ever again.

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