you meet Jennie (requested)

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"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" You asked as you pulled Hoyeon's hoodie over your head as you finished getting ready to go.

She sat at the foot of the bed, tying the laces of her shoes as she bit her lip to hold back a grin.

She woke you up a little while ago, telling you that you needed to get ready to go because something had come up and you both have somewhere to be in a bit.

"We're meeting up with a friend of mine for breakfast. I figured that it's about time for you two to meet." She said before she walked to you. "The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll be there. I have a feeling you won't even want to leave once we get there."

"Okay. I'm excited." You said as she took your hand before grabbing her keys and walking to the car with you.

The whole way there Hoyeon was so excited about finally introducing you to this particular friend that she felt like she might just burst.

It took everything in her not to spill the beans. As much as she wants to tell you, she also knows that it'll be even more exciting if it's unexpected.

It was especially challenging to keep herself from telling you exactly who you'd be meeting today when the sound of her friend's voice played through the car speakers as you listened to Blackpink the entire way to the restaurant.

When she pulled into the parking spot and turned off the engine, she looked at you with the biggest smile on her face.

"What are you so happy about?" You giggled.

"Just really excited for you to meet this friend of mine." She said as you both got out of the car before your hands intertwined as you made your way to the doors.

"There she is!" Hoyeon said as she nodded to the other side of the room.

When you turned your head, you dropped your girlfriend's hand and covered your mouth in shock as a gasp fell from your lips.

Across the room, waving to you and your girlfriend was someone you've only ever dreamt of meeting.

It was Jennie!

"C'mon," Hoyeon encouraged as she kept her hand on the small of your back, walking across the room to the table Jennie got for the three of you.

"Hoyeon!" Jennie stood up, grinning as she opened her arms for your girlfriend to walk into so they could share a huge hug. "I'm so happy we could meet up!"

"Me too! I brought my girlfriend along with me," Hoyeon said as she put her hand on your shoulder. "Her name is y/n and she's a huge fan of blackpink."

"So nice to meet you!" Jennie excitedly said before she threw her arms around you, hugging you tightly.

It felt so surreal.

You've been a fan of Blackpink for as long as you can remember.

As well as being incredibly talented, they seemed to be so humble and kind - and you were right.

"It's nice to meet you too," you told Jennie and tried to hide the way your hands shook from the excitement you felt.

When you pulled away, Jennie sat back down and Hoyeon pulled a chair out for you to sit down in before she sat down in the one next to you.

"I figured it was about time for you to meet. We're getting pretty serious and I know she's a huge fan of you, so I wanted you two to meet." Hoyeon explained.

"Well, both of those things make me so happy to hear." Jennie smiled before taking a drink of her water. "You know, y/n, Hoyeon actually talks to me about you a lot. I've been waiting to meet you. Somehow, you seem even more amazing than she says you are."

"Thank you," you giggled and kissed Hoyeon's cheek.

"You're cute together," Jennie said as she witnessed the cute moment between you and Hoyeon.

"Well, I don't think there's much I can ask about you to try and get to know you better because I feel like I already know you." She joked and you gazed at Hoyeon, watching as she became a little shy.

"But tell me about yourself! I want to know more about the girl who's stolen my best friend's heart."

You started to talk about things that are important to you such as your family, your hobbies and passions, and the hopes and dreams you have for the future.

And with every word you said, all Hoyeon could do was lay her cheek on her hand and look between you and Jennie with a proud smile on her face and stars in her eyes.

It made her so happy to see you two getting along and to know she'd made one of your dreams come true by letting you meet Jennie made her heart so happy.

She didn't say a word, didn't interrupt your conversation as you and Jennie laughed and became friends.

She just watched you both, swearing that she fell even more in love with you over seeing how well you bond with the people closest to her.

Hoyeon Imagines (gxg)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang