Is This Love?

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I was nervous as we walked to the studio. I'd already met Glen, but only once, and I didn't know what he thought of me. Danny kept trying to reassure me but it didn't help much. When he led me in, I saw Glen and another guy who I assumed to be Mark sitting writing. They looked up at us, and it was then that I panicked. I saw Mark had a ginger beard.

I tried to stay but I couldn't. My instincts kicked in and I ran. I was thankful that Danny came after me, because I wouldn't have gone back to the studio or his house of my own accord. I'd have stayed away forever.

He managed I calm me down, and I told him why I'd left. He seemed to understand.

Before we went back in, Danny stopped me, going in alone to talk to Mark.

I stood waiting, stressing about how Mark would react. I was relieved when Dan came back quickly.

"Hey babe. He's cool with it, he's gonna stay put where he's sitting and you can sit wherever you feel safe. I'll sit with you. Okay?" He said gently, one hand cupping my face.

Dan was right. Mark didn't hurt me. In fact, he was very warm and welcoming towards me. However, we only stayed for a couple of hours.

I whispered to Dan that I needed out, and he knew exactly what I meant. He made an excuse that I had an appointment and we left sharply.

"Thanks. Sorry I pulled you away. I hope it's not going to mess up the album or anything." I said guiltily.

"You need to stop apologising. I'd rather postpone the album than stop looking after you. You come first." He smiled at me, his eyes deep and sparkling. "C'mon, lets go home. I'll make you one of my amazing hot chocolates" he winked at me.

Cheeky. I loved when he was cheeky, which was actually most of the time.

As we walked along the road, holding hands, I took occasional glances up at him. He was about a foot taller than me, but I didn't mind. In fact, I liked it. It made me feel safe, and I knew he was going to protect me. He gently squeezed my hand, gazing down at me, his lips softly curled up at the edges as he smiled.

I can't be sure, because I've never felt like this before, but I think I'm falling for him. I'm trusting him more and more, and the warm, fluttery sensation I get when I'm around him seems to be telling me he's far more than just a good friend.

Maybe, just maybe, this is what love feels like.

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