Time For A Change

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New Years Eve. Fucking great. All I've done since I came off work last week is sit in the house, moving from room to room, eating, sleeping and watching TV but never really paying attention.

But now I'm super drunk, and it's great. I've made my mind up. Tonight's the night, everything is going to change, no going back.

I'm going to go out, but what to wear? I settle on my knee length black skirt and my loose, low cut navy top. They'll go perfect with those black heels I've never worn. I brush my hair, and decide to leave it down. No jewellery, too much hassle.

I get dressed, then go to the bathroom. Time to start the changes.

I rake out the special razor blade I keep in the cabinet, and take out the couple of pill bottles I have.

I take the blade. I press it against my thigh, and slide it along, slicing my skin open easily. It gives me such a rush. I do it again and again, trying to dig deeper each time. When I run out of room on my thighs, I move on to my stomach, then my arms.

Once I'm satisfied that I can't get any more cuts on me, I turn my attention to the tablets. They're the leftover painkillers I got from when I had a back injury. Pretty strong. I take them all, helped down with some vodka.

Now I'm ready to go out.

I head out, and the icy cold air really hits me. I didn't see the point in taking a coat or anything to keep warm, it's not like I'm going to be out for long. I haven't got anything with me, not even keys. I didn't bother locking my door.

As I walk along the street, I can feel the blood trickling down my body. I can't walk in a straight line, but who cares. Everyone is away partying, waiting for the new year to start.

Finally, I reach the bridge. It's not very high, but high enough. The river is flowin pretty fast, or at least it sounds like it is.

I stagger to the middle of the bridge, then pause to look over the edge. Perfect.

I decide that there's no point in wasting good clothes, so I kick my shoes off and start undressing. I nearly fall over, tripping as I take my skirt off.


Oh shit, did I say that out loud? Oh well, nobody is around to hear me anyway.

I decide to keep my underwear on, because who would want a dead woman's used underwear?

I climb on to the railing. This is so exhilarating. I can feel the blood drip off my fingers and toes, and the painkillers are starting I kick in.

I stand on the rail, carefully balanced, and I close my eyes.

I take a deep breath.

There's voices in my head shouting at me. I wish they would shut up. I'm not goin to stop, I'm not going to wait, leave me alone.

Right this is it.

I put one foot forward, ready to fall.

Then I start falling. But backwards? And my stomach my being squashed, what the fuck?

I open my eyes, and see the stars in the sky. What's going on?

Then I realise I'm lying on the ground, on top of someone.

What insensitive bastard would take this away from me, the one thing I have a choice over!

I get up to start telling them where to go, but then I suddenly throw up. A lot

Then blackness consumes me.

Angels In Disguise: a The Script fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang