Meeting Danny

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I'm awake early today. I'm not normally. What's the time? I glance at my clock. 7.45? Jaysus. What are you playing at, brain?

Oh shite.

I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. I only just make it, chucking my guts up into the pan. Christ, what did I do last night? More to the point, why? I flush the toilet and crawl back to bed. I take a couple of painkillers to prepare for the inevitable headache I'm going to get. I check my phone, it's always the first place to look for clues after a rough night. 4 messages, 2 missed calls. The calls are from me girlfriend Gemma, at 01:34 and 02:06. Weird. Best read the messages.

"From: Gemma - where are you? I told you it's not true! Call me x (01:31)

- Dan answer me! We need to talk. (01:40)

- fine. Have it your way. I'm done fixing it all the time. I'll be in touch to get my stuff back and give you yours. Don't call me. (02:11)

From: Mark - Dan, let me know yer alright mate, I think you really did it last night with Gem! Call me when you wake (06:47)"

Fuck! What did I do this time? I guess I better call Mark.

"Hey Dan! Merry christmas! How's the head mate?" *laughing*

"Hey, been better to be honest. Listen Mark, what the fuck happened last night? I don't remember a thing!"

"Seriously? Jesus Dan. Take a look at your hand, ring any bells?"

"Christ! Mark, it's all cut up. Just tell me what I did?"

"Well, you accused Gem of sleeping with that new lad at work, again, then when he appeared and stared chatting to her you just lost it! Gave him a right hook, smashed a mirror then did a runner. We were looking for you for ages but I figured you'd make it home when you wanted to"

"Aw shite. I've really cocked up haven't I?"

"Sure have. Here mate, I won't make it to the hospital today, my sister's decided she's bringing the kids over. You give them my apologies yeah?"

"Ugh, I totally forgot about that! Yeah I will. Best get going then, freshen up and that. Tell yer sis I said hi!"

"Aye ok Dan. See ya!"

"Merry Christmas, bye!"

I decide to take a bath to freshen up.

It's only when I'm lying in the water, listening to the tap dripping, that I realise I've lost Gemma for good this time. Why, Daniel! How could I let her go? Why couldn't I have just trusted her! Jaysus. I get out when I feel a lump in my throat starting to build, I can't get emotional today of all days.

It's just after 9, so I call the hospital to confirm I can visit. We agree for me to come in at about 12, and I've to ask for a "Nurse Grant" who will show me around.

Plenty of time to call round the family and give them my best wishes for Christmas.

At 11:20, I grab my guitar and head out. The fresh, crisp air helps my slight headache, and I can sense the magic of Christmas in the air. It's a wonderful feeling, the reason why I love Christmas.

Even though I'm headed for the children's ward, the atmosphere remains happy.

When I get to the reception, the lady behind the desk jumps up and offers her hand.

"Mr O'Donoghue, so pleased to meet you. I'm Lisa, huge fan." She gushes.

"Call me Danny, please. Lovely to meet you Lisa, it's always a pleasure meeting fans. I'm looking for Nurse Grant?"

Lisa begins to blush.

"I'll just go and get her, wait here."

She comes back in seconds with another young lady, who looks surprisingly fed up. Maybe even pissed off? Or maybe it's just her dark hair and piercing eyes.

"Mr O'Donoghue. I'm Nurse Grant, but call me Maria. I'll be showing you around today."

Her hand is freezing when I shake it.

"Cold hands, warm heart, eh!" I joke.

"Uh. Yeah." Comes the confused, slightly offended response. Oops!

"Follow me, we're going to the older children's section first if that's okay with you. The young ones are just about to get their lunch."

So I follow her. Today could be an interesting day. I just get this feeling something special will happen.

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