A New Best Friend.

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Why did I trust him? I should have known he was lying! It's now 4 in the afternoon and he's still not appeared, phoned or anything.

Looks like I'm on my own again.

I grab my pad of paper and sit down to draw.

But I have no inspiration, my mind has gone blank.

I'm so angry at myself, all I do is let myself get hurt time after time! I can't wait to get out of here, then nobody will be stopping me.

I sigh, and flop back on the bed.

Then a nurse comes in.

"Hello, there's someone here to see you. He says he's a friend of Dannys?"

What? Where's Danny?

"Okay. Bring him in please."

Who could it be? I hope everything is okay.

A man comes in. He's a lot like Danny, but shorter and with mysterious eyes.

"Hello love. Maria, isn't it? I'm Glen, a mate of Dannys. He asked me to come and talk to you, if that's alright?"

So this is Glen. I'm sure Danny said he's the drummer in the band.

"Hey Glen. Nice to meet you. Take a seat. Is Danny okay?"

"Thanks. Yeah, he's alright, a bit worse for wear. He wants you to know he's really sorry for not visiting. Thing is, myself and Mark had to go and sort him out last night. His girlfriend just left him and he's a right mess. He's promised us he will sort himself out though, and he says he'll visit you tomorrow."

"Oh. Shit. Okay. I feel bad now."

"Ah, don't. He'll be alright! He's Dan the man!" Glen smiles at me.

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a lovelier smile.

"So, Dan never told me much about you. Just that he wants to help you, and that I had to come and speak to you to say sorry about today. How did you meet, if you don't mind me asking?"

Shit. He just had to ask the most awkward question, didn't he!

But looking at him, he seems to truly care, just like Danny.

So I tell him. What have I got to lose?

He gets up and hugs me, not saying a word. I manage not to cry.

"I'm sorry love. I'll try to be here for you too. I don't have much to say, but I'm a good listener."

Then he had to go.

He promised me he would make sure Danny visited me tomorrow, and that he looked forward to seeing me again.

What a strange day.

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