Making A Breakthrough

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"Excuse me sir, Miss Grant says you can see her now."

Finally! I've been coming to the hospital every day and sitting here all day, but this is the first time she's let me see her since telling me to get out. She's been in for 3 days now, and moved to the psych ward, and I've been her only visitor. It's been hard having to lie to the guys, I'm running out of excuses why I can't see them. But I need to talk to her. I feel responsible for helping her.

The nurse leads me to a small room at the end of a corridor, and leaves me to go in.

"Wow, you got your own room and everything! Must feel like you're on holiday." I joke.

The glare I get reminds me she doesn't like jokes.


"So, uh, do you mind if I sit down?" I ask, pointing at the seat next to her bed.

"Feel free." Her voice is completely emotionless.

I sit down. I look at her for a minute, waiting for her to ask me something, or say something. It's like I'm not here. She sits cross-legged at the top of her bed, focusing on her pad of paper and whatever it is she is creating.

"What you doing there? Drawing?" I enquire.

"Yeah. Just sketching."

"Can I have a look?"

"I'd rather you didn't."

"Oh. Okay. Look, I'm sorry if I've been pestering you these past couple days. It's just, well, you got me worried and I wanted to make sure you're alright. I feel kind of responsible for you, having stopped you from jumping and all that. I wanna help. I know you've had no visitors, the nurses told me. I don't expect you to tell me anything, I just want to let you know you're not alone."

Shit, Dan. She's gonna think you're a right dick now.

She stops sketching, gets up to put her paper & pen on the windowsill, then sits back on her bed again, legs crossed and facing me.

She studies me for a minute, I can see from her eyes that she's thinking hard. What is she thinking? Maybe she's trying to see if she can trust me.

"Why do you even bother? Do you actually care about me? You don't even know me. I bet if you did, you wouldn't be here. You probably wouldn't have stopped me either."

My God, what do I say to that?!

"Um, well actually, I do care. I care that someone could hurt so much they'd want to end their life. I care because I've met you, and that means I could maybe help you. I won't try to tell you what to do, or get all philosophical, but I'll listen, and I'll be there for you. And don't ask where all that came from. I just get this feeling I was meant to stop you that night."

"Wow. Uh, thanks, I guess? I'm sorry I've been frosty to you, I just don't like people knowing my business. No good ever comes of it. Plus, to be honest, I thought you were only after good press for your band."

Wait, is she letting me in? She's suddenly changed so much. Fuck it!

"Can I give you a hug? I bet you could be doing with one. I know I am."

She looks up at me, eyes glistening from tears, and nods her head.

I go and sit on the be next to her, and wrap my arms gently around her, conscious of her healing wounds. I cradle the back of her head as she nuzzles into my shoulder. I feel her start to cry.

"Sshhh. Hey, love, it's okay. Let it out. You're not alone." I whisper to her softly.

We sit there for a few minutes, in silence. I feel for her so much. I feel tears forming in my own eyes.

She suddenly pulls away, gets up and starts searching for something.

"I'm sorry, this isn't like me at all. You should go, I bet you have some work to do with your band or something."

She finds tissues, and wipes away her tears.

"Don't be silly. It's good to let it out. And I meant what I said. I want to help you, I'm here for you."

And I really did mean it. She's such a lonely, fragile girl, and I just can't abandon her, even if I barely know her.

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