ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖. ⛈️

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He doesn't dare to open his eyes, maybe he's getting carried away by angels and he's going to heaven. But wouldn't he remember how the tree fell on him? Maybe. But he still feels his body going colder, the rain dripping onto him. It's still gusts of wind in his face.

Until. Until he feels the warm and dry air. He listens to everyone murmuring and their talking about something. But he feels to light headed to care what is going on. His knee hurts, his hands hurt, his body is undercooled. He wants nothing more then something warm. Tea maybe.

"Help! Iemand, help!" A boy yells.

Everyone turns to the two kids coming into the room. Jos is quick to recognise his son's voice. He knows that he saw Max run outside and wanted to run after him but he couldn't. He couldn't leave his younger daughter Victoria alone in this room. She was gonna follow him too.

Jos knows Max to come back, he must have seen something and indeed he had. He had apparently seen a boy in need of help. Jos could scream at his son for being so stupid and not let him go but he was proud of his son for being a hero too. So it was a little of a fight with himself rather to punish Max or praise him.

"Max! Wat is er gebeurd?" Jos asks his son.

"Hij lag, papa! En een boom viel bijna op hem." Max tells his father.

Jos nods, gives his son a pat on the shoulder before he picks up the crying boy. Who is completely covered in mud and his knee is bleeding a river. Max looks at the boy and grabs his little sister's hand like he always did when it was just them and their father. Max would look after Victoria with love.

"I need a medic!" Jos yells.

"Hi! I'm max!" Max says to little Lando.

Lando opens his eyes, feeling salty tears run down his cheeks as it hurts and he has so many scratches over his body. Max looks at the boy's knee and sees that some kind of metal thing in sticking out of the flesh of the boy's need.  He must have fallen onto something while he was trying to get to safety.

"I'm Lando." Lando says.

"Papa? Zal alles wel weer goed gaan?" Max asks his dad.

Jos looks at his son while the four of them follow a medic to the medical room in the back of the building for any injuries the people would get after or when they are karting. Jos smiles at his son for a moment before he nods.

"Ja, ze zullen hem oplappen and dan gaan we zijn ouders zoeken." Jos tells max.

"Is goed, papa." Max says.

Max holds on tightly to his sister, sitting next to his dad. He holds out his hand to Lando so the poor boy could hold his hand while they remove the metal piece from the boy's thigh, lucky Lando it only caught into his skin and not his bone or muscle. He won't need a cast or a brace for that matter.

But he does need some stitches for the cut that he has. Lando gladly takes the hand of Max in his, squeezing it when it hurts and when he is scared. Lando looks at Max and as much as he likes the fact that the boy is showing support. He wants his father and his stuffed teddy. He wants his mother and her sweet kisses.

After a half hour of Lando getting stitched and some paper info for his dad. They head back with Lando who is walking on a pair of crutches. Victoria is holding her father's hand while Max and Lando walk in front of them. Max helps looking for his father, who they hope to find soon because Lando wants to go home. To his mom.

"I'm scared." Lando mumbles.

"Why?" Max asks.

Max doesn't really need to ask why. He can guess why Lando is scared. Maybe for another tree to fall or maybe he is scared his parent has been hit by a tree or he is scared that he won't find his father. So many things Max can come up with. But mostly he feels for the younger boy.

𝔽𝟙 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖! Editing going on!!Where stories live. Discover now