Bloodless bonds

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Fenrir and Severus must have been quite a sight when the others found him. Fenrir was shirtless, and Severus was wrapped up in his coat, leaning so heavilly on the werewolf anyone would've thought he was drunk.
"What happened?" Narcissa demanded, slipping her wand back into the holster on her sleeve, "Why is Severus in your coat?"
Fenrir glanced around. The Lestrange brothers and Lucius were stood back, by the door. Saros was hugging Lucius' side tightly, staring up at his father with wide, curious and confused eyes. Chaos was hugging onto his father's arm, peaking out at the duo from his unruly, curly locks. Bellatrix and Narcissa approached them when Narcissa spoke, their faces etched with demand and slight curiosity. Bellatrix hooked her arm around Severus' back, and, once he was sure he was steady, Fenrir pulled away and wove through the group. He needed that drink.

Saros stared after his dad, frowning. Lucius rubbed his shoulder gently, making the boy look up at him. Lucius smiled softly at him.
"Is Dad gonna be okay?" The ravenette muttered, turning his gaze to Fenrir as he disappeared through the house.
Lucius rubbed his shoulder again, "Of course he is, Sar, you stay with your aunts and uncles and I will go talk to him, okay?"
Saros nodded, and he pulled away. Lucius ruffled his hair fondly, giving the boy his best, reassuring smile, before turning sharply on his heel and stalking into the house.

"Fenrir!" Lucius called, asecnding the stairs gracefully, "Are you alright?"
A gentle sound whispered through the dark house, barely audible over the gentle scolding of Lucius' darling wife, and Bellatrix's stuttering over trying not to swear in her anger. Lucius' ears strained as he followed the sound, arching a curious eyebrow.

As Lucius got closer, he slowly begun to decipher what the sound was. Crying. Somebody trying to hide the fact that they were crying. Luicus hastened his pace, sheathing his footsteps with a masterful grace he learnt from Narcissa. Lucius stopped in front of Tom's office, and he pressed his ear against the door. Soft hics of shaky breath, followed by sniffing and a slight whining sound here and there, would pause for a moment before continuing. Lucius' brows furrowed, and he gently creaked open the door.

Fenrir was hunched over in Tom's chair, his face hidden by his smokey-brown hair. One hand was clutching onto a bottle of firewhiskey, while the other was cradling a crystal rose gently. The table was strewn with empty bottles of every kinds of alcohol Lucius could name. Most were empty, some had a couple drops left. Lucius' eyes widened in horror, and he stepped into the room. The door creaked softly as it opened, successfully earning the werewolf's attention. Fenrir snapped his head up, snarling and growling at Lucius. Lucius held his hands up in surrender.
"It's just me, Fenrir," He said gently, "Are you okay?"
Fenrir looked away and wiped his eyes with his wrist, "M'fine."
"Liar," Lucius stepped further into the room, shutting the door behind him, "You really shouldn't sit in the dark, Fenrir," He said, gently plucking his wand from his pocket and waving it over his head, "It's bad for your eyes."
The overhead chandelier flared to life. Fenrir glanced at him through his curtain of hair, a weak warning snarl escaping his lips as Lucius continued to approach.
"What happened, Fenrir? Was it something Severus said?" Lucius quizzed gently, stopping just short of arms reach.
Fenrir shook his head, turning his gaze to the floor.
"Do you want me to get T-"
"No!" Fenrir snapped.
Lucius blinked at him, surprised. Fenrir cleared his throat, and he rubbed his eyes again.
"Uhh, no..." He muttered, "Tom ain' really... Uh... He ain' here..."
Lucius sighed, his shoulders sagging, "Did you have a fight?"
Fenrir nodded weakly, and he rested his forehead on his hand. A sob escaped him.

Lucius closed the distance between them and wrapped his arm around Fenrir's muscular shoulders. He cradled the larger man against him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly.
"Would you like to talk about it?"
Fenrir shook his head, another round of sobs escaping him. The werewolf lifted the firewhiskey to his lips and threw his head back, chugging the burning liquid like his life depended on it. Lucius snatched the bottle away and set it back down on the desk.
"Fenrir, enough!" The blond snapped, "Drinking is not going to help!"
The werewolf looked up at him through his eyelashes, his slivery-blue eyes heavy and weak, puffy anf bloodshot. Lucius grabbed Fenrir's arm and gently tugged him up. Fenrir wobbled shakily on his feet, gripping the sleeve of the blond's silky bedshirt tightly.

Lucius guided Fenrir out of the room, wrapping one arm around the small of the werewolf's back and setting his arm over his shoulders. Fenrir was drunk, very, very drunk. Far mor drunk than Lucius has ever seen him. He let himself collapse against his friend, who strained against his weight. Lucius staggered, and he would've toppled with Fenrir if Rabastian and Rodolphus hadn't grabbed Fenrir.

"C'mon, buddy," Rodolphus grunted, slinging Fenrir's arm over his shoulders, "Let's get ya to bed."
Rabastian slung Fenrir's other arm over his shoulders. The two brothers wrapped their arms around Fenrir's back, holding his wrists with their other hands. They half carried half dragged the werewolf alpha over to his room, taking on all of his weight with a slight bit of effort. The brothers were the same height as Lucius, but they were stronger. Lucius stared after them, and his eyes zeroed in on the crystal rose cradled in Fenrir's drunken hand, tucked perfectly between his fingers with the bulb in his palm.

Lucius turned to leave, just in time to see Bellatrix and Narcissa storm away, wands clutched in their hands and cloaks billowing at their heels. Lucius cursed under his breath, and he raced over to the room he and his wife were staying in to change.

Bellatrix wasn't smiling. She wasn't grinning. There wasn't even a whisper of a smile on her lips. She was frowning. No, she was glaring, glowerin in such a way it could unnerve Fenrir, even. Narcissa looked more poised and calm then her sister, but her eyes were screeching with burning rage. Fenrir was like a big brother to them. He protected them, made them feel safe and secure. Bellatrix remembered when Tom would sneak him into the dungeons, if the boys were busy with Quidditch or homework, Fenrir would sit with Bellatrix and Narcissa and let them braid his hair. They would teach him certain spells when Tom didn't have the time to, and Fenrir would scare off the people who threatened them. Fenrir told the girls old stories, most the two sisters suspected to be make believe, and fighting techniques that his mother taught him. Fenrir even danced with Bellatrix and Narcissa to practice before the Yule ball in fourth year. Bellatrix and Narcissa watched Fenrir and Tom fall in love over time. They watched Fenrir bring Tom small gifts from the woods, mainly litlle flowers, hand-carved jewelry made of wood, and little trinkets forged from Fenrir's own magic. He tried to lie, say that he bought them with money he stole from other students, but Narcissa and Bellatrix knew better. They had only seen Fenrir cry once, and that was tonight. Seeing their brotherly figure crumble at the hands of the Dark Lord filled the women with rage.

Lucius strode down the stairs and moved over to the kitchen. There was no point in stopping his wife and her sister when they got mad, Lucius learnt that the hard way. The blond stopped in the kitchen doorway, peering into the room with his sharp gaze. Saros and Chaos were enjoying cookies and warm milk on the kitchen counter. They were eating silently, confusion filtering their eyes.
"I think it's time to go to bed, boys," Lucius said coolly, sweeping gracefully into the room, "There will be plenty of cookies for you in the morning."
"Is Dad gonna be okay, Uncle Luci?" Saros asked, turning his confused, and now slightly fearful, gaze up to the Malfoy lord, "He didn' look okay, and Auntie Bella and Auntie Cissa looked really angry when they left."
Lucius sighed, "Your Dad will be fine, Sar. He just needs rest, as you do. Come now," He said, beckoning the boys over with his hands, "Off to bed with you both."
The boys drank the last of their milk, stole one more cookie each, and moved over to Lucius.
"Can we stay with you tonight, Uncle?" Chaos asked around his cookie.
Lucius frowned slightly, "Don't talk with your mouth full, Cay," He scolded gently, "But of course you two can stay with me. I am assuming your aunts will be gone for a while."
Saros and Chaos grabbed a hold of their uncle's hands, and allowed the blond to lead them out of the kitchen as they munched on their cookies.

Lucius lead Saros and Chaos up the stairs and over to the guest room he was staying in. Saros clambered into bed first, followed closely by Chaos. Lucius lay down beside Saros. Saros and Chaos cuddled up closely to Lucius, who held them to the best of his ability.
"G'night, Uncle Luci." Saros and Chaos murmured.
"Goodnight, boys." Lucius smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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