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Saros lay in the hospital wing. The boy's chest rose and fell violently, and beads of sweat rolled down his face. Blaise and Vince were at his side. Vince was staring down at his feet, his eyes wide and unfcosused. Blaise had his usual blank mask, though his eyes burned with anger. When Saros fell off of his broom, Blaise shot over to catch him. He had managed to grab Saros' arm, but due to the violent tug, and the force of the gravity, Blaise had ended up breaking Saros' wrist and dislocating his shoulder. Blaise pulled Saros onto his broom and held him close. Blaise retrieved Neville from the air, and he guided him down to the ground. The broom Saros was using had fallen, and the tip of the broom had splintered and flattened.

Madam Hooch had ordered Blaise to take the two boys to the hospital wing. Neville had a case of whiplash, so he stumbled after Blaise while he carried his passed-out friend.

When they got to the hospital wing, Promfrey re-located Saros' shoulder and wrapped up his wrist. She ordered Blaise to set him down on the bed and feed him a pain-relief potion while she delt with Neville.

Draco burst into the hospital wing and ran straight over to the trio, Pansy, Theo and Vince on his tail. The three of them stopped in front of the bed. Their eyes widened in horror, and Pansy slapped a hand over her mouth. Draco fell to his knees by Saros, and he gripped his ice-cold hand in his own.
"Sar...." He whispered, tears swimming in his eyes.
The blonde pulled himself to his feet - his hand still clasping his cousins - and turned sharply to Blaise.
"What happened?" He snapped.
Blaise glanced down at Saros' unconsious form, his emotionless mask slipping to reveal the pain and anguish the heir was feeling. The boy blinked the tears out of his eyes and smoothed out his features with a breath.
"He," Blaise nodded over at Neville, who was getting orders from Madam Pomfrey about his whiplash, "Lost control of his broom. Saros raced after him to help stableise him. He caught him on his broom, and then.... He just fell. I saw him fall from the crowds, and I went up to grab him. When I did I broke his wrist, and dislocated his shoulder... I-" Blaise sucked in a sharp breath, "Saros.... He looked so pale... Like a ghost... I was so scared... I got up to get Longbottom and I brought 'em here."
A tear rolled down Blaise's cheek. Pansy crashed into his side, burying her face in his shoulder. The girl sniffed, and Blaise shifted in her hold to give her a hug. Draco fell to his knees again, curling his other hand around Saros' smaller one.

The doors were suddenly thrown open. Tom strode in, followed by Lucius, Severus, Dumbledore, a wolf, and a strange elderly woman. Tom's ruby eyes were now a darkened brown, and his hands were curled up into fists. Tom, Lucius, Severus, Dumbledore and the wolf strode over Saros and his friends, while the woman raced over to Neville. She began to coo over Neville, and Draco guessed it was his grandmother. The wolf padded around Draco. He set his front paws on the edge of the bed and nosed Saros' arm, a soft whine escaping him. Tom stood at the edge of the bed, his fists clenched and shaking. Fenrir padded back over to Tom, and he licked his knuckle. Tom ran a hand through Fenrir's fur before turning to Dumbledore. Lucius beckoned Pansy, Blaise and - the now crying - Draco over to him. The three children rushed over to him, cuddling into him and burying their faces in his robes.
"How could you let this happen?" Tom snapped, narrowing his eyes, "Is this not the 'safest school in the world'?
Venom dripped from Tom's every word as he glared burning fire at the headmaster. Fenrir whined again, butting his head against the ravenette's hand.
"I must say, Tom-"
"That's Riddle, to you."
"-Mr. Riddle, I am very sorry for what has happened for Mr. Black-"
"You mean my son," Tom almost snarled.
"-Your son," Dumbledore said, obviously annoyed at the constant corrections, "And I promise I will do everything I can to find out who poised him and why."
Tom snarled, "You had better."
"Is that a threat, Mr. Riddle?" Dumbledore countered.
Tom opened his mouth to say something, but Lucius beat him to it.
"Headmaster, you must excuse my dear friend," He said quickly, "You must understand, his son was just poisoned, he is extremely stressed and agitated, you will do well not to agitate him. You are already on thin ice with letting such a preposterous act to happen in your school."
"Mr. Malfoy-"
"I must ask you to leave, headmaster. You are upsetting the children," Lucius said, rubbing his son's and Blaise's shoulders.
The three children clinging to Lucius' middle all stared up at Dumbledore fearfully. Dumbledore bit the inside of his cheek, before sweeping out of the room.

Tom moved around Lucius and fell to his knees by Saros. The man tucked some stray strands of hair away from the young boy's eyes, and he gripped his pale hand in his own. Fenrir whined, nuzzling against Tom's side. Tom wrapped his other hand around Fenrir, who rested his chin on the edge of the bed. Blaise moved away from Lucius' embrace and fell to his knees by Fenrir. He buried his face into the werewolf's fur and sobbed.
"I'm sorry! I hurt Saros' arm when I tried to save him! He's in a lot more pain because of me!"
Fenrir butted his head against Blaise's, making the boy look up. The werewolf set his paw on Blaise's shoulder, and he offered him a wofly grin. Blaise's lips quivered, and he hugged the werewolf. Tom rose to his feet, wiping a tear subtly from his eye.
"Severus," He choked, "Find out exactly what poisoned my son and expel it as quickly as poss-"
"The cupcake!" Blaise gaped, pulling his face from Fenrir's fluffy chest.
Tom turned to him, his eyebrow arched. Blaise leapt to his feet and bent over Saros. Carefully, he peeled away the duvet that covered his friend and reached into his pockets. He pulled out the screwed up cupcake wrapper and held it up to Severus.
"A kid gave Saros this before we went to our flying lesson!" He explained as Severus carefully took the wrapper.
Fenrir pulled himself up on his hind legs - using his bed as support - and yipped at Severus. Severus held out the wrapper, allowing the werewolf alpha to sniff it. Almost immediately, Fenrir pulled away, snarling and growling at the wrapper. Severus quickly pulled it away, clasping it in his fist.
"I will examine this," Severus said, turning to Tom, "I would suggest you bring Mr. Black home. I will arrive once I suspect what has poisoned your son."
Tom nodded curtly, and he moved back over to Saros. The ravenette scooped up the small boy in his arms, holding him close to his chest. Saros groaned, and Tom instinctively tightened his grip. Severus moved around to Tom, and he fished Saros' room key from his pocket. He turned to Draco and handed him the key.
"Collect Saros' things and take them to my office. Floo to the Black Family manour and then return here," Severus said in the softest tone he could muster.
Soft didn't suit him, Tom decided. Why Dumbledore asked him to teach was a question that swam to mind everytime he watched Severus interact with others.

Tom willed the thoughts away. His main concern right now was Saros. The man stalked past the group, not even giving the glaring old woman across the room a glance. Fenrir padded at his side, moving quickly, eager to take Saros back home.
"I'm afraid you are all going to have to return to class," Lucius said, rubbing comforting circles on Pansy's back, "S- Professor Snape cannot excuse you all for your absense on your first day."
Pansy pulled away, wiping her eyes and sniffling. Lucius reached into his robes pocket and pulled out a hankerchief. Pansy wiped her eyes, and then cleaned her nose. She handed the hankerchief back to the Malfoy lord with a small 'thank you'. Lucius folded it and stuffed it back in his pocket. Vince took Pansy by the arm and guided her out of the hospital wing. Blaise wrapped an arm around the strangely quiet Theo, and lead him out of the room as well. Greg followed them quickly, clenching and unclenching his fists. Severus sighed heavilly and turned to Lucius.
"I didn't expect this," He said bitterly, "I should've been keeping a closer eye on them. I promised Tom that-"
"You couldn't possibly anticipate and stop a poisoning, Sev," Lucius said softly, resting a hand on his friend's shoulder, "Don't beat yourself up about it. You go find out what was in that cupcake, while I go get Narcissa and Bella so we can stop Tom and Fenrir from tearing this school to the ground."
Severus chuckled softly at the thought, "Yes, yes, alright."
The two stalked out the room together, their blank masks folding over their faces. They went their seperate ways, Severus listing off poisons, and Lucius listing protection spells that could save his very soul.

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