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Once Saros had finished his breakfast, he, Blaise and Vince set off for flying lessons with the Ravenclaws. Draco had transfiguration with Pansy, Theo and the Hufflepuffs. Greg had charms with the Gryffindors, which he was not happy about, especially because he was alone. With a pitiful pat on the shoulder, Saros set off.

Vince was talking excitedly about the flying lessons. Blaise listened mutely, smiling politely and nodding here and there. Saros walked behind them, hands stuffed in his pockets. He glanced around boredly at the bustling students around him, occasionally blowing a strand of hair out of his face.
"Saros! Hey!"
A hand wrapped around Saros' forearm, making the boy pause. Blaise and Vince, hearing their friend's name, stopped in their tracks and turned. Saros looked over his shoulder, his eyes narrowed. Brandon was looking up at him, his eyes wide.
"Sorry, did I startle you?" He asked, quickly pulling his hand away. 
Saros turned fully to him, "Just caught me off guard, that's all," He glanced back at Blaise and Vince, "You go, I'll catch up."
Blaise nodded curtly, and dragged Vince away. Saros turned back to Brandon.
"Can I help you with somethin'?" He asked, folding his arms over his chest.
Brandon's smile widened, "Actually, yes!"
Saros arched a curious eyebrow as Brandon carefully pulled something out of his pocket. What he pulled out was a lump, wrapped in a silver napkin. He held it out to Saros, cupping the lump with both hands. Saros looked at it, and then back up at Brandon, an eyebrow still arched.
"It's a cupcake," Brandon muttered nervously, looking down at his feet, "For comforting me last night."
Saros' brows furrowed, "You didn't have to-"
"Please," Brandon cut him off snapping his head back up to look at him, "Just take it."
Heasitantly, Saros lifted the napkin from the cupcake. The cake was small, wrapped in a plain white wrapper and topped off with green and silver
icing. Saros genuinely felt touched.
"Thank- thank you, Brandon," He breathed, "Look, I uh, gotta go, but thank you."
Saros gave Brandon's shoulder a friendly squeeze, before walking off after his friends. Brandon stared after him, his hands dangling limply at his sides. He turned slowly, and stalked back down the way he came.

Saros looked down at the cake in his hands, smiling gently. Carefully, he removed the wrapper off of the cake. The young boy took a bite, and his tongue practically melted at the taste. I have to get the recipe from him later, He thought fondly as he swallowed the mouthful. Saros finished the cake quickly, licking the icing off of his fingers and stuffing the wrapper in his pocket. The young boy jogged to catch up with Blaise and Vince, who were still having a one-sided conversation about flying and broomsticks.
"Hey," Blaise said, turning to look at Saros, "What was that about?"
"He gave me a cupcake," Saros replied.
"Was it good?" Blaise asked.
Saros grinned, "Hell yeah."
Vince hummed, "Aw, I'm 'ungry now."
"You just ate," Blaise said, turning his attention back to the boy on his right.
"Like five minutes ago!" Vince argued.
Blaise sighed heavily, while Saros chuckled softly.

The trio made it to the courtyard, where some of the Ravenclaws and the teacher were already waiting. The teacher was tall, with short, spiky, silver hair, thin lips pressed into an even thinner line and bright, yellow, hawk-like eyes. She was wearing a white collared shirt with a silver tie snuggled up in the collar. Her robes were black, with silver buttons binding it closed. On her feet were boots, in case she had to run, possibly. Around her neck was a snitch-shaped whistle hung around a silver chain.

Saros, Blaise and Vince stood a little ways away from the group, watching silently while their fellow classmates chatted away. Saros' stomach felt tight. He ignored it. Blaise looked as calm as ever, his face blank and his arms folded over his chest. Vince was barely containing his excitement, eyeing the brooms lined in two rows with a ghost of a grin on his face. Saros' face was strained, his eyes darting around, his lips pulled into a thin line. It looked like he was fighting something. Saros focused on his breathing. In. Out. In. Out. In-

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