A dawn of a new age

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Saros sat on the thick tree branch in the monstrous field at the back of the Black Family Manour, resting against the trunk with his arms folded over his stomach. One leg dangled lifelessly over the edge of the branch, while the other was placed firmly in front of him. His cousins, Draco and Chaos were nestled on the branch as well. Draco was sat up straight, one leg folded over the other while he focused on his book. Chaos was hunched over on the branch, his hands resting on his thighs as he swung his legs back and forth.

Saros' hair was thick, and dark like ink. It was thick and wavy, and his fringe dangled into his mis-matched eyes. His lips were thin and pale, and his nose was straight like his father's. Saros' skin was a ghostly pale; he looked undead. He was wearing an orange plaid shirt, black jeans and black sneakers. Draco's hair was an icy blond; not a single strand was out of place. His misty blue eyes were narrowed, and his lips were pulled into a thin, concerntrated line. The boy was wearing a white collared shirt, black shorts with leather suspenders and shiny dress shoes. Chaos' hair was a wild, ebony, curly mess that hung just past his shoulders. His dark chocolate eyes were wide with a bored conerntration. His pinkish pouty lips were forged into a curious frown. Chaos' skin was pale, like his mother's, but not as pale as Saros. Chaos was wearing the same as Draco, except his shirt was black, and a cloak was draped over his shoulders.

"I'm boored!" Chaos whined, turning his attention to his two elder cousins.
Saros opened his eyes, "How about we play a game?"
Draco glanced at him from his book, "And what game would that be?"
Saros grinned evily at Chaos. Chaos grinned back.
"Capture the book!" Chaos shouted, snatching the book from the blond's hands.
Saros and Chaos leapt from the tree, and landed in a crouch on the ground below. They bolted from the tree, giggling like madmen.
"Hey!" They heard Draco shout.
Draco leapt from the tree and darted after his cousins. Chaos tossed the book over to Saros, shooting him a grin.

Saros and Chaos raced through the property, leaping over tree roots and twirling around trees. Draco lurched after Saros, his hand held out to grab the boy. Saros tossed the book at Chaos, who caught it flawlessly. He held it close to his chest and darted off. Chaos was faster than Saros and Draco by a longshot. Any footrace with that child is one you will surely lose. Saros and Draco could keep up with him, but couldn't run side-by-side with him. Chaos had a lot of stamina compared to Saros and Draco. He could probably keep up with Fenrir for a short while if he tried.

Draco let out an annoyed huff, and picked up his pace to catch up with his younger cousin. Saros allowed himself a grin. The two chased after Chaos, their arms pumping. Chaos let out an excited cackle, just like his mother's. Saros cackled the classic Black family cackle, and Draco, despite his annoyance, let out a snort. Saros raced past Draco, just out of his reach. Chaos was still a few feet ahead of Saros, still clutching Draco's book.

Fenrir Greyback stepped out onto the back porch. Tom had sent Fenrir to go get the children for dinner. Draco and Chaos were spending the weekend here with Saros. Fenrir wasn't sure why. He never really understood sleep-overs, but it is fun seeing the three of them racing through the house high on sugar. Fenrir stepped off the porch and moved over to the treeline.

Chaos leapt out from the safety of the trees, and made a beeline for the werewolf.
"Uncle Fenrir! Save us!" He shouted.
Fenrir arched a confused eyebrow. Chaos tackled Fenrir, gripping the werewolf's trench coat and scrambling up. Fenrir wobbled dangerously, barely staying upright as Chaos climbed up onto his shoulder. Chaos hugged the side of Fenrir's head, clinging to his torso with his legs.
"Hey! Kid what the hell are you screamin' about?!" Fenrir exclaimed, his voice muffled by the boy's arm.
Chaos pointed to the treeline. Fenrir looked. Saros came burst out of the treeline.
"Dad! Save me Dad!" He giggled.
Saros tackled Fenrir also, scrambling up to sit on Fenrir's other shoulder.
"Pup! What the hell, kiddo?!" Fenrir shouted, stumbling back as the child clung to his head.
Saros covered Fenrir's eyes with his arm, leaving only his nose visible. Saros' legs were wrapped tightly around Chaos', pinning the younger boy.
"Dray!" Saros squealed.
Fenrir's ears rang, and his head spun from the loud noise.
"Kid! Don't scream in my-"

A body slammed into Fenrir's. The werewolf lost his footing, and he fell back. Fenrir gripped Saros and Chaos, and stretched his legs out. He landed flat on his ass, keeping hi sback rigid in order to keep himself from landing on top of the boys. Fenrir's spine jolted at the impact. The three bodies clinging to him started to fight. Fenrir's hair was tugged, and feet collided with the werewolf's chest and shoulder.
"Give me my book back!" Draco shouted.
Chaos' grip on Fenrir's hair tightened, and he threw his body back. Fenrir let out a pained shout, which went unnoticed by the three boys. Draco and Chaos wrestled up on Fenrir's shoulder. Chaos' continued to grip and tug the werewolf's hair as he pushed Draco away with his foot. He held the book high over his head, grinning like a madman.
"Get your filthy feet off of me!" Draco roared in Fenrir's ear.
Saros was wriggling and laughing on Fenrir's other shoulder, his knees scraping against Fenrir's chest and back. A hand collided with Fenrir's chin, and a knee slammed into his throat. Fenrir let out a choked sound. He had enough.
"TOM!" He bellowed, his voice ricocheting through the trees and thundering through the manour.

Tom threw open the window of his office.
"What?!" Tom shouted.
"Get these kids offa me!" Fenrir shouted, his head lolling left and right as Chaos and Draco continued to wrestle.
Tom sighed heavilly, pushing the window open further. Black smoke engulfed him, and he soared out of the window. He zipped down over to the four and touched down in front of them.
"Boys!" He snapped.
The three boys froze, and slowly turned to Tom. Tom folded his arms over his chest, and narrowed his eyes.
"Fenrir is not a climbing frame." He said lowly.
The three boys quickly climbed off of the werewolf alpha. They scrambled away and pushed themselves to their feet. Fenrir flopped onto his back, and let out a throaty groan. Tom looked Fenrir over. His hair was even messier than normal, sticking up in odd clumps here and there, and there was a bruise blossoming on his chin. Tom turned to the three boys. They flinched and lowered their heads.
"Now look. You've hurt Fenrir. What do you have to say?" He said darkly.
"Sorry Dad."
"Sorry Uncle Fenrir."
The murmured. Fenrir let out a throaty groan. He waved his hand absently.
"Go inside boys. The elves will call you when dinner is ready." Tom said coldy.
The three boys quickly raced inside, Draco snatching his book from Chaos' grasp as they entered the house. Chaos and Saros shot him a sheepish look.

"Are you alright?" Tom asked once the three disappeared inside.
Fenrir nodded curtly, "Nothin' like a good kick in the jaw, am I right?"
Tom sighed irritably, "You're too easy on them, Fen."
Fenrir pushed himself to his feet, "Hey, you can't expect to rely on your wand all the time, Voldie."
"And you think letting yourself become a punching bag teaches them that?" The Dark Lord asked coldy.
Fenrir shrugged, and pushed himself to his feet, "I'll be fine, Tom, seriously."
Tom sighed heavilly, "Get inside. I'll have the house elves get you some ice."
Fenrir grinned at the shorter male, "You worry too much."
The werewolf wrapped an arm around Tom's shoulders, who in turn snuch his arm around his waist.

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