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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical errors.


Akky isz Mwommy Vaby."
Akky shouts on Forth running down.

"Hey Baby...slow down.
You'll fall."
Forth shouts catching him in time before he could put step on stairs.

"Akky whines in Forth's arms.
Akky no Daddy.
Akky Mwommy Vaby."
Akky throws his small hands and legs trying to protest.

"Ok ok Mommy's baby.
Calm down, you win."
Forth said kissing his chubby cheeks.

"Whyyy uhh showting?"Asked a three year old girl with puffed face and her hands on her little waist

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"Whyyy uhh showting?"
Asked a three year old girl with puffed face and her hands on her little waist.

"Whyyy uhh showting?"Asked a three year old girl with puffed face and her hands on her little waist

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Two year old Akky calls, asking his father to put him down.

"No....have breakfast first.
You too Baby, come."
Forth said kneeling down to pick Bella up in his free arm.

Akky bites Forth's shoulder with his sharp canny teeths.

Forth groans.
"Like mother like son."
He grumbled.

Bella smacks Akky's hand.
"No bite Uwckl Forr."
She orders like an elder.

Forth smiles and joined breakfast table along with others.

"Here you go."
He gave Akky to Beam who chuckled taking his angry bird.

"Here you go too, Princess."
He gave Bella to Lam.

Its been like this  since two kids happened in mansion.

Yeah after Beam's graduation, Forth and Beam got married.
Park and Lam got a surrogate Baby which turn into girl child just after their wedding.

Both Lam and Park were too overwhelmed with the happiness that they couldn't think of a single name to give Baby.

Forth chipped in and told them about his dream to give name 'Isabella' to Baby girl.

Lam asked about why he is giving that name to their baby.
Forth replied that its Baby who matters, not his or theirs.

Then after an year Beam got pregnant for the first time.
He gave birth to a baby boy and as planned they named him 'Akira Jaturapoom aka Akky'.

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