Part 24

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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical errors.


"I thought we were clear.
Why I have to sleep here on floor?"
Asked Forth laying down on mattresses beside Beam's bed in his old, now Beam's bedroom.

Beam glares at him looking down, laying on edge of bed.

"Ok ok.
Your highness.
I'll keep quiet. "
Forth said surrendering up by throwing his hands in air.

Beam turns on other side.

Forth calls again.

"Can't I go to study room?"
He asked sitting down.

"Ok ok.."
He lied down once Beam glares at him again.

"But Baby why are you doing this to me?"
He asked shaking Beam's hand.

"Because I am still angry."
Beam puffs turning around.

Forth stands up and hurriedly lied down beside Beam, caging him in his arms.

"Why are you still angry, Love?
Your mother already said that she will not take you away from me.
She even got ready to stay here for few days."
Forth coaxes him kissing his ear softly.

"Go lie down on floor or somewhere else.
I want to be alone and no argument now."
Beam said scooting far side of bed.

"I still don't get your mood swings.
How could you make me loose my mind like this Beam?
All the time you just got angry and punishes me like I am just your puppet."
Forth said standing up and walks to settle on sofa, far side of room.

"Forth said standing up and walks to settle on sofa, far side of room

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After around half an hour he fell asleep.

Beam after tiring himself from tossing and turning on large bed, gets up.

He walked to Forth's side.

Forth was sleeping on sofa with his one arm over his head.

Forth was sleeping on sofa with his one arm over his head

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There was gap between Forth and sofa.

Beam pouts and turns sad then he put his palm on Forth's chest just to lie down with Forth in little empty space.

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