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Happy Birthday Son in law.


No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical errors.


Beam was glued on his place for a long time and then he turned to P'Mel.

"May I get cleaning stuff Madam....Please."
He asked from P'Mel the caretaker of Mansion.

She nods without giving any pity to the pale boy standing there looking down.
She witnessed the interaction earlier between that pale boy and her Master.
No way in world she would disobey his master.

Some staff were happy that they got a day off with Beam taking over the cleaning work whereas some of them pitying the young boy here and there.

Beam starts with living area and Kitchen on ground floor.

"Is he really going to clean whole mansion by himself?"
Asked one of the staff Cherry.

Sam didn't said anything and went to offer his hand to Beam.

I am about your age.
My name is Sam.
I work here too."
Sam introduced himself.

Beam smiles thinly to him and nods.

"Sam you better stay away from him or Master Forth will punish you."
Cherry reminds him in low voice.

Beam didn't involve himself in their conversation and continue wiping railings, Pictures and walls.

It was two in afternoon when P'Mel came to offer him lunch.

"Though you need to clean whole mansion but you have to eat too.
I guess you hadn't have your breakfast too."
She comments signing Prin to give a plate of food.
The girl prin put the plate on stairs where he was still working, busy in wiping windows.

Beam looked down at the food plate and wipes the dirt from his forehead.

"He smiles to P'Mel.
He whispers slowly.

He look at wall clock.
Ten past two.
"It will take whole week to clean the Mansion by myself. But atleast housemaid is better then sex slave."
Beam mumbled and wipe his misty eyes.

He picked the plate and sat back there, on stairs.

"Its cold and stale."
He whisperd looking at food.

"You think you are staying in guest room so you can have guest treatment?
Ofcourse you'll get this food as like us."
The other staff Prin disgusts him by making faces.

"My mom gives same food to housemaids as us."
Beam said looking at her uninterested.

"Like you owned housemaids. You wish."
She make joke of him and dirtied already cleaned stairs.

"Clean again."
She comments and left.

Beam put a plate aside and start working his leftover work.


Park, Lam and Forth got a message at the same time.

From Den

A file was attached with his message.

Forth who was working on his laptop opens the attached file so the other recipients.

Beam Baramee Vongviphan profile.

Name: Beam Baramee Vongviphan

Nick Name: Beamie

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