Chapter 26: Erik

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None of this makes sense! The events in the past twenty minutes are inconceivable.

As we get out of the alleyways, we have no choice but to take the main road to the exit of the city. When I look around I see rebels fighting Airling guards, bombs going off, citizens screaming.

Why would the rebellion go after the citizens like this? Would they not want to get the royal family and nothing else?

The only person who tried to hurt the royal family was Casimir. He was going to try to kill Aella.

Galen leans on me as we attempt to run. He is still weak, but most of his bleeding has stopped. Amora walks ahead of us on guard. Acantha stands behind us with Aella, protecting all of our backs.

I try to fight myself from turning around to look at Aella. I keep fearing I am going to turn around and she is not going to be there.

"We are almost there," Amora tells us. A rebel gets his sight on us. Amora acts quickly and shoots him with an arrow before it hits him, he throws something.

I look down at my feet and see a grenade roll over to us.

"Run!" Acantha yells. I practically pick up Galen. We hope over broken pavement and a shattered fountain. The water spilled out in the street.

I push Galen behind a pile of stone allowing Amora to watch him. I then yank Aella towards me and pull her behind the stones.

Acantha still is not here! She hops over the stones as the bomb goes off. I yank her closer to the wall at the last second and grab her head down as debris flashes past her head.

Aella holds her head between her legs screaming as the bomb goes off.

All sounds are drained out by a ringing noise when it is over.

"Erik?" Acantha's voice comes out muffled. "Are you okay?"

I nod my head and quickly turn to Aella who looks shaken.

Amora stands to her feet and looks around.

"What in the stars is happening?" She shouts. We all look up to see what she is talking about.

What is left of the street is on fire. The spilled water dried up. Bricks and wood crumbled in the middle of the street. But that is not what Amora is talking about.

We watch as all the rebels' flesh melts away. Their skin color goes from brown to tan. Hair grows long and short. All the rebels change from Earthlings, Icelings, Airlings, Firelings, to just one Realm: Waterlings. In an instance, they all changed.

It then becomes clear to me what is happening.

"These are not rebels!" I say. I grab Aella's hand. It is more urgent that we leave.

"What?" Acantha asks as we run away.

I turn around and see Amora supporting Gale.

"I will explain after we are not running for our lives," I tell them.

We finally make it out of the city. When we reach the forest, we still are not safe. I know we are being followed. They are trying to get to us. To get me!

The forest opens up, and we see Paxon, and Raleigh laying in the field looking at the sky. An arrow flies past us. Amora releases Gale. Using his bow and quiver she shoots arrows back at whoever is coming.

I begin to run faster, not letting go of Aella's hand. Acantha helps get Gale.

"Hey!" I shout. Raleigh shoots up from the grass and looks at us. As soon as he sees us running he hits Paxon on the arm and they both shoot up. Paxon heads for the jet, and Raleigh heads for us.

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