chapter 22: welcome to the world Tanya

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Michael ran to Rori and picked her up and put her in the bedroom and called 911 but they said it will be a 1hr delay and Rori didn't have an hour hell she didn't have a minute the past 10 minutes were torture all he could think about was Rori and the kid being safe and healthy.

A half-hour goes by no ambulance only Janet's car and an overnight bag for Loraine and a nurse bag with Hanna. Hanna checked Rori's vitals and told her it wasn't time yet and that she should walk around and breathe. Rori got up and held onto Michael and they walked in the garden and the living room until her water broke.

The pain came and went and still, no ambulance, and Calum came in with tea and freshly baked scones for the expecting duo. A few minutes later Rori gripped onto Calum's hand which made him drop as Michael was putting ice on his hand preparing for round 4 of hand pain these contractions were getting stronger.

Every breath turned into a painful moan. Eddie pulled up and came in to see Michael on the couch half-awake with ice on his hand. " Michael, why are you still awake? You should be in bed with Rori." Eddie said sitting himself down on the couch. " I can't go to bed cause Roriann is in labor and I have to be there for her. Even if I did she would kill me if I went to bed!" Michael said getting up and leading Eddie upstairs to where Rori was.

Rori was screaming and crying to the point where she could barely breathe. Hanna called Michael over and said that the baby will have to be born here. To Michael's shock, he went to his position same with Eddie to help Rori push.

* Couple of hours later *

An ear-splitting cry came into the room. Rori leaned back into the pillows sighing with relief that the pain was over. Hanna walked over with the squirmy baby and said " Well Rori I don't think this little girl should be left alone with me and Calum." Rori looked up and said, " Wait I have another daughter?" Hanna nodded and gave her the newborn. Michael looked at the clock and said " Wow it's 10:15 pm." Eddie looked at Rori being reminded of her mother holding her for the first time.

Rori gave the baby over to Michael and he whispered to Rori while trying not to cry, " Thank you so much for giving me another blessing. Best fathers day ever." Michael kissed Roriann on the cheek praying to sleep well or for at least a couple of hours. Rori and Michael cuddled up together and called their newborn Tanya Rosetta Jackson after her grandmother.

Ok sorry if I made anyone cry but this chapter was very hard to write especially trying to word everything then going on Grammarly for correction.

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