Chapter 9 : we will survive this right?

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Rori looked in the mirror at her little bump. It had only been a week and Michael was a nervous wreck always checking on Rori even when he already did check on her it irritated her to be this little helpless woman when she could beat their ass at a couple of games.

Tucker was secretly calling Rori's mom telling her she was pregnat and telling his mom that his half sister was pregnant she was not pleased hearing that name but dealt with it. You see Roriann and Tucker have the same father but different mothers the dad had an affair with Crystal ( Roriann's mom) while she was pregnant with Rori with Mary Tucker and got Mary pregnant.

Rori sat on the couch fearing the future and how it will affect her and Michael's life and if the press will attack them for one child. She felt anxious and sick which made Michael more nervous and the more anxious she got the more nervous he got. All they could do was wait and see. The next morning Roriann woke up to see vans and reporters knocking on the door demanding to see the king with his pregnant wife. She immediately called Hanna hoping she was home but only Calum answered.

Calum said " Hello Hood resident's how can I be of service?"

Rori said " Hey Calum can I ask you for a favor?"

Calum: " Yea why?"

Rori: " Can you go out side and distract these reporters while me and Mike get in the car. It's for a doctors appointment and my stress level is about to go through the roof."

Calum: " Sure thing! Also does this mean I can do my chicken dance!"

Rori: " Uhm yea that's the whole point gotta go. Bye!" [Hangs up]

Rori looked outside and there was Calum in a ballerina skirt doing the chicken dance. Trying to not get caught Roriann and Mike ran to the car while Tucker took his own damn time recording this man dance.

Finally getting to the doctors office they went in for the ultrasound they were nervous but happy but not for long the doctor came in did what she had to do but told the happy couple that the baby had a 50% chance of living which made Michael snap he couldn't believe of what he was hearing he looked over and saw Rori she was about to cry and gently put her head on his shoulder quietly weeping. The doctor said " Do you at least want to know the gender?" They both looked at each other and nodded yes the baby turned out to be a girl but Michael and Rori were still heart broken knowing when she comes they probably won't be able to hold her.

WOW!!! What a turn of events but still can anyone imagine Calum in a tutu doing the chicken dance! But still comment some baby girl names for the sappy couple.

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