chapter 17: Death dont knock when your crying

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A couple of months had passed Michael was getting better still in his bed but unusually chattier than she remembered, she gently nudged Michael over and had the best cuddle since last August pointing out the window showing baby Loraine snowflakes for the first time and telling her about how the snow was a blessing from God how every winter was a time God could take a break from giving everyone hot weather.

Loraine jabbered away until Michael and Rori looked at their daughter with amazement with one word " Mama".  " Rori did you hear that!" Michael said weakly since his ribs were still bruised from the car accident. " Yes I did Hunny! Also you know you owe me 20 bucks now right?" Rori replied with a sneaky grin. Michael nodded in replied trying to reach for his wallet on the nightstand, got a hold of it, and slowly retracted it back to his lap until he dropped it. " Damn it! How can I be the most famous man in the world but somehow can't pick up a simple wallet!"

The anger that he expressed scared Rori and made her remember when John beat her up for not cleaning the dishes and for not serving him whiskey. Michael looked up to see a confused daughter and a startled Rori. He didn't realize the mistake he made till after Rori slapped him across the face and screamed. "DON'T YOU REMEMBER THE BRUISES I GOT FROM AN ANGER-ISSUED MAN WHO JUST DRANK AND HAD FUN BEATING ME UP!" Michael looked up in terror noticing the torture he just put his wife through. "Babe I'm so sorry that I screamed it's not easy right now to grab things without trembling and currently in a bed with no way of bending over to pick them up."

Rori looked at Michael, tears streaming her cheek, and slapped him again just for the pain he practically induced then said " Of course, if you're truly sorry then kiss my ass!" Lorraine tried to make sense of the convo and said with a smile on her face "DAMN!". Both parents stopped arguing and saw their daughter's expression light up and making both Rori and Michael laugh and make up for yelling at each other.

Roriann's phone lit up with a text from Calum which said " Hey. Hanna had a miscarriage and we found out last week that it was twins and they were both boys😔." Rori looked up and started to cry and told Michael that they weren't gonna be godparents for a while...

❗ tw: miscarriage and abuse! Also, don't cry they will have kids I promise you !

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