Chapter One

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Madison's POV

Four years ago

"O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave."

The musician waved to the throngs of football fans filling the stadium as the final note was played while grinning. As Madison eagerly ran toward the tunnel, just the sounds of clapping and cheering could be heard. As she moved deeper into the tunnel and received thanks from players and service members, she just grinned in response. Her manager's voice was muted by the rush of adrenaline running through her body.

"Madison you did amazing out there!" Olivia beamed wrapping her arms around the slim waist.

"That was so incredible, I was so nervous but then it was like a switch turned on and it felt like I was on a different planet where there was no one but me and the music." The singer rambled still awestruck, as they separated.

Since Madison was found when she was sixteen, there was a significant chance that she could have been deceived or led in the wrong direction. That's where Olivia stepped in; only a few years older and desiring managerial experience, Madison and her parents thought it was the ideal fit. She stuck by the singer through all of the highs and lows that her profession brought. She was grateful to have Olivia on her side since she questioned whether she would even be in this position without her. She had gained a much-needed friend along the way as they pursued Madison's fame.

The two walked into Madison's assigned dressing room as the singer calmed her nerves collecting herself.

The girl sat down in her chair staring at her Manager through the mirror

"Thank you, Olivia, for all of this."

"You don't need to thank me Mads, I'm just doing my job." The blonde smiled back feeling appreciated, something that was very common

"I know, but I couldn't have wished for a better manager."

"It means a lot, so thank you Madison. Now get ready quickly so we can go watch the game! There were some hot soldiers I would love to meet" Olivia joked winking at the girl before walking out of the dressing room, opting to allow the singer to have some privacy.

Her eyes followed the blonde as she left the room, and the place fell silent once more. Her brown-green eyes were staring back at her as everyone else quickly left, leaving her all by herself. Her makeup was impeccable, highlighting her model-like features, and her hair was styled in high pigtails. She used this time to gather her thoughts and consider all that had happened during the previous 20 minutes. The tingling sensation she had experienced was gradually fading.

Before leaving her dressing room and joining the blonde, the singer rehydrated and took the opportunity to use the restroom alone.

"You all good to go?" Olivia wondered sliding her phone back into her pocket

"Yup! Lead the way captain." The brunette cheered hooking her arm around the girl. They both laughed as they walked back toward the end of the tunnel, starting their journey toward their reserved suite. The pair soon became lost in conversation as they weaved through crowds, Madison's bodyguards close by. The occasional fam would congratulate Madison as they walked, but their journey was soon interrupted by a deep voice behind them,

"Excuse me, ma'am? Ma'am!"

The pair halted taken by the voice seemingly hollering at them. Their eyes were soon met by two soldiers dressed in formal uniforms. Both were equally as tall, both sharing the same hair cut but one was a woman and the other a man. The woman looked at her friend clearly annoyed, she seemed almost nervous as she angrily whispered to him.

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