📓 [14] : 십사.

Start from the beginning

"Okay enough you two! I wanna get in the bed as well!" Jungwon Whines, sitting down beside Jay as Daeun giggles, the older giving Jungwon a small peck on his cheek, "Are you sleeping together with Us Daeun?" Jay asks as Jungwon nods.

"Mhm, she told me she wanted to sleep in between us both."
Jungwon chuckles as Jay sighs, "Wellll~ Isn't it your bed-time now Daeunnie?" Jay asks.

"Well..." Daeun grumbles.

"Let's go to bed alright? We'll be here."
Jay smiles, laying down on the left side of the bed while
Daeun immediately runs to the middle, jumping down
As Jungwon only giggles, slowly moving to the right side.
Jungwon sighs, feeling a bit dozed off from the tiring day,
Hugging Daeun from the back as he closed his eyes,
Not very long, the two start to hear soft snores come from

"Papa's already asleep?" Daeun whispers as Jay chuckles,
"Mhm, he must be really tired huh Daeun?" Jay asks as
Daeun nods.

"Let's work very hard to make Papa smile Daddy."
Daeun mentions as Jay flushes, he never felt so complete
Until he met these two, he loved them both so dearly.

"Yes, we will Daeunnie~" Jay chuckles,
Holding Daeun's head with his right hand, patting
Her softly by the hair as she starts to doze off, following

"G'night.. Daddy.. Love you.." She mumbles, closing her
Eyes as she begins to fall asleep too.

"I love you too dear." Jay chuckles.


Jungwon wakes up silently to see Jay still very much
Asleep in his silk pajamas as usual, he blushes, knowing he'd
Probably never get used to Jay's blonde hair.

He sighs, looking around as he realizes that Daeun's not
In the bed with him and Jay, his eyes widen, immediately sitting Up as he gets off the bed, silently putting the blanket over Jay Once again as he leaves his room.

"Daeun? Daeun? Where are yo-"

Jungwon's worries were cut-off as he notices Daeun playing
With Maeumi, "Oh Daeun.. It's so early in the morning! Why didn't You wake me up!" Jungwon complains, going closer to her as She looks at him in confusion.

"Papa, you said in your sleep, that you wanted to keep hugging Daddy, And I woke up because of it! So I decided to leave the bed already and Drink my lemonade and play with Maeumi instead, and I was right! Because As soon as I left the bed, you immediately hugged Daddy afterwards!"
Daeun explains.

Jungwon flushes, realizing from his own daughter that he does indeed talk in his sleep.

"Oh Daeun.." Jungwon sighs, his cheeks going red as he pats her head, "Next time, wake up Papa when he's talking in his sleep okay?" Jungwon Smiles.

"You love Daddy very much don't you?" Daeun raises a brow, "Oh of Course I do dear.." Jungwon giggles, pressing his forehead against Daeun's as he turns around, noticing Jay sleepily stumbling towards the Two, rubbing his eyes.

"It's 6:30.." Jay grumbles, sitting by the couch as he lays his
Head on the couch board, slowly falling asleep again.

"Oh! Jeongseong! If you were really this sleepy then you should've Just continued going to bed!" Jungwon pouts, Jay sighs, grumbling Again, "How can I go to sleep without you in my arms?" He asks as Daeun giggles, noticing Jungwon blushing again.

"O-Oh you.." Jungwon mutters out.

"Also.. You said we were going to meet your friends."
Jay points out as Daeun looks to Jungwon confused, "Daddy
Hasn't met Uncle Sunghoon or Uncle Sunoo yet?" She asks

"No he hasn't..." Jungwon chuckles silently, "What!
Seriously?! Daddy! You should meet them! They're
My favorite Uncles in the world!" Daeun exclaims.

"I will Dear.. Don't worry, just when your Daddy has 5 more minutes Of sleep then he will.." Jay mumbles, sifting himself to the side As Jungwon could only glare at Jay, "You two are exactly alike you Know Daeun.. Totally in-love with sleeping.." Jungwon sighs.

"Of course! Daeun's totally cool, and that's why she got it from Me!" Jay mentions.

"Sleeping in is not cool Jeongseong!" Jungwon grumbles as
He rolls his eyes, Daeun chuckles at the two bickering lovers, "You still love him though Papa!" She points out.

"Aiyaa.." Jungwon sighs.

He nods, looking towards Jay, "As much as your
Daddy's a little idiot, I love you both so very much
Daeunnie, you two are my whole world." Jungwon smiles.

"See! I was right!"



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