Shut Up, Dr. Phil

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It may sound awful, but I was glad I didn't know most of these people. After all the losses, I didn't think anyone would dare go on their own, so I was very much surprised to hear Morales had decided they would go their own way, again, I couldn't blame them. They wanted to find their friends and family. So I understood, but I couldn't say I felt comfortable watching them go the other direction as we began our trip to the CDC.

We had gone a couple miles in total silence when Ketch decided to speak. "We can switch if you're tired, I know you didn't get much sleep last night, if any." I huffed and just shook my head.

"Sorry pal, I don't let anyone drive my car." I stated as he raised an eyebrow at me. He seemed skeptical.

"Ugh, Winchesters and their cars..." He complained before he turned to look out the window. I didn't have to be no genius to know something was bothering him, and that he was trying very hard to bite his tongue, trying to avoid any kind of conflict. "Tell me this..." He said and I sighed. "How come someone like you, falls for something like... Lucifer. I mean, out of all of the options, all the fish in the sea, you pick him." He sounded genuinely confused, and I could understand why.

"You wanna talk about our feelings now? Fine. I- I didn't choose to fall in love with him, all right?" I replied. "It was meant to be. It wasn't up to me. I tried to avoid it at all cost. I tried to run away from it. For years after Sam went to hell, I thought I had finally escaped it." I shook my head, feeling misunderstood once again. "You just don't know what's it like, to try and escape from what's inside you. From the moment he left the cage the first time to the moment he went back in. It was like every move I made led me back to him. Like destiny. I don't expect you to understand though."

Ketch moved uncomfortably in his seat before he allowed his body to relax on the backrest. "Maybe I do, sort of, understand what is like to want to run away from your destiny. I was introduced to the Men of letters as a young child. They said I had to be the best, I was a legacy. Nothing but excellence was to be expected of me. I was a child, I wanted to be as great as the ones before me, but I was reluctant to do certain things." He confessed. He seemed retracted, like he didn't know if it was a good idea to share said anecdote with me. "I fought it at first, thinking maybe I could be everything my father was without making any sacrifices. But they broke me at last." I glanced at him, expecting to see a sign of dishonesty, but he kept his gaze on the road and his body remained petrified, as if his mind was lost in the darkest, deepest corners of his memory. I knew he was being truthful, and perhaps, deserved to know more about me.

"I met someone. After Sam was gone and Dean left me to go after Lisa and Ben. For the longest time I convinced myself he was the one, but I was proven wrong. After Dean and I were sent to purgatory, I decided it was best for the both of us to never cross paths again. It had been a year, his wounds were just starting to heal, I couldn't bring myself to drag him back into the hunter's life. He had moved on, followed his dream and was a successful man. So I walked away completely. I chose to not engage in any romantic relationship after that, not even a fling, I was too broken inside. That's when Lucifer came into my life again. He was the one constant thing in my life, so I just gave in. And it felt so damn good, until my brothers scared him away and I just couldn't handle it anymore. I had accepted him as my soulmate and I had this constant need of having him around, having him near me. I lost control."

"Who was this other guy?" Ketch questioned.

"His name was James Singer, but we called him Jimmy. He was Bobby's nephew. I first crossed paths with him at a motel. I was trying to gather information about Sam from any demon that I could get my hands on. I was a mess and a half back then. At first sight, I didn't know it was him. It had been so many years since I saw him last. I must have been ten when he went to live with his mom and never came back to his uncle's place."

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