Swan Song

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"It's over. There's no going back now." I thought, unable to take my eyes off the empty parking lot, as the heavy rain poured over the only vehicle parked there, the Impala.

I glanced at my hands for a second, still feeling the reddish-brown liquid on them, even though I had washed them repeatedly, and knew they were clean. Still, however, felt dirtier than ever.

"Too much heart. That's your problem, kid." Dean's words echoed in my head. He was right.

"Are you okay?" I heard Bela's voice ask from across the motel room. She sounded concerned.

"Considering." I simply said.

"It had to be done. This could save the lives of billions of people." She tried to reason with me, but there was nothing in this world that could cheer me up, not today at least.

"What pestilence said. It's too late. What do you think he meant by that?"

Bela sighed as she walked out of the bathroom and took a seat at the end of the bed, finally catching my attention. "Probably whatever is going on aboard. Maybe even that flu case the CDC got their hands on down in Miami."

"That ain't no flu. No matter what the news say. Pestilence won't do much damage with a virus humanity has had under control for centuries." I shook my head. "I know whatever it is, is nothing less than a bomb about to explode." I rubbed my eyes tiredly and just sighed. "Please tell me you have good news."

Bela glanced at me and gave me a serious look, meaning she was done with the whole depressing session I had going on, and wanted to talk business. "I have some news. From what I've heard, you were right. Missouri is about to be wiped off the map. People have already been going missing." She explained. "Besides, I found what I can only guess is an omen down in Missouri as well. It said something about a temperature drop of about 20 degrees, but only in a five-block radius of downtown Carthage."

"I don't understand your definition of good news."

"It's good news because it means everything is going as planned. So, whatever this spell of yours is, we gotta start preparing now, or it'll be too late."

"You make it sound so easy." I told her.

"Can't be worse that what we had to do in these past five days." She declared.

I took a quick shower before we left the room and started packing up the truck. I saw Bela struggle to keep her styled hair from getting wet by the rain, while I didn't even bother, and just smiled widely.

"You know... We should do something fun before Wednesday." She suggested, holding an empty transparent plastic folder over her head.

"I think so too. After all, It might be our last night on earth." I nodded, before I went back to placing my weapons in the truck.

Bela leaned against the car and looked at the road behind us, with a pensive look on her face. "You know what I really don't miss from back home? My brother's Sam heart to heart talks. You're not gonna give me one of those, are you?"

"For the record, I agree with you." She said as calmly as possible. "You're probably the only hunter in the business, and most likely the only person in this whole universe, that could so confidently take on both Lucifer and Micheal. Specially since the blond boy seems to have a thing for you now." I just rolled my eyes at the last comment and continued to do my thing. "But I also think it's stupid. I don't know how screw up you have to be to just... confront them like this. But I admire it."

I glared at the brunette in surprise and sighed.

"I mean, you're putting yourself in a lot of danger. But I'm glad that spell and your powers are strong enough to kick both those assholes out of existence." I looked up and down at the woman beside me before I focused on the trunk again, a simple "Yeah." escaping my lips.

The Rift [Daryl Dixon]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon