4 Better looking, richer and more arrogant.

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For the rest of the time, Shi Nian got acquainted with the villa again. Although this was not on the marshal’s residence, this villa was nonetheless a very high-class existence on the main star.

From the defence, to the location and even the decoration, everything was excellent. There were many things inside that even the original owner had never seen before, not to mention Shi Nian who came from a different timeline. a

The robots, however, were of the simplest kind, and all the slightly more complex and humane functions had been turned off. This was probably because the more advanced the robot was, the more functions it had, the easier it was to hack into. Probably Lu Bo Ting’s long standing habit of being cautious against problems in this area.

So even though there was nothing important information inside this villa, he had brought over this habit.

The good thing was that all the basic functions worked, cooking and washing dishes and cleaning the rooms etc. were all done very well.

Shi Nian soon wandered through all the places and figured out all the high technology. In fact, it was all very simple, all connected to the light brain, when needed, just press a button, it was very convenient.

After he finished roaming around, he couldn’t help but glance at the third floor and the direction of the basement, on thinking of Lu Bo Ting’s words, he didn’t go to take a look after all.

When he returned to the house, he couldn’t resist making another big purchase. In the blink of an eye, a million star coins had been spent by him.

When he took a look at the balance, he didn’t take it seriously, he had always been like that. He had suffered and endured a lot since childhood, but he had never been short of money. He felt as if his status as a phoenix was not worthy of him if he didn’t spend a lot of money.

After a good night’s sleep in the big bed, it was time to go to school the next day.

The original owner and the scumbag were in the same school. It was a military academy, the sixth school of the main star, called 6th school of the Aussie Empire.

Looking at this ranking, one can know that the top five schools are overwhelmed with applications so admissions were only to the best students. With the original owner’s qualifications, he wouldn’t have been able to get into the first school of the Aussie Empire.

The worst of those accepted there would have to be a B grade in mental power, and C grade would not be wanted. The original owner had good grades and talent, but in the end, his mental power was too low and his grades weren’t good enough to get special treatment.

No one knew about the uniqueness of his quantum beast either, so he could only enrol in the later schools.

It was also just that Lu Bo Ting, being a marshal and having a need for this, somehow found out about the mutated canary accidentally before, and this employment relationship came about.

The employer was very considerate and left him a flying machine in case Shi Nian was not able to travel conveniently to school.

The flying machine only needed a set destination and it would fly on its own, picking the right route and automatically arriving at the destination. Shi Nian didn’t have a license to fly the craft, so he couldn’t turn on the manual pilot, he just had to sit back and wait.

When he arrived at the place, he jumped out of the craft and followed the memories of the original owner all the way to the place where the class was held today. Along the way a number of people had cast glances at him.

After all, the post about Ji Yiqing’s  ‘fish slaps’ inside the large pool was still high up on the forum. No one wasn’t curious about this other main character who had also flopped in the water.

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