A faint smile traces his lips and he nods, walking closer to me. "Yeah. I can't really blame you either with what all that has been going on." When he reaches me, he surprises me by swooping down and giving me a sweet kiss that causes my heart to beat a little faster.

When he pulls away I had a large smile on my face, gazing up at him through my thick lashes. "It's good to finally do that without you snapping at me" he teases and I smack his arm playfully.

"Don't start that again." I roll my eyes but giggle neither less, showing I'm not still mad at him. "Besides someone needed to remind you that you're not on your own anymore and the fact that if you disappear for a couple weeks without calling... then, well, it won't be pretty." I smile up at him. Pure happiness running through my veins, putting all the bad stuff in a vault and not thinking about it now.

Derek's hands find my waist and his fingers dig into the fabric of my coat. The thick coat may help block out the cold but I can feel his hands scorching me through the thick layer. Just feeling the pressure of his fingers on my clothes, I wonder how it would feel if his hands were against my skin. One of the only men who ever makes me stutter or turn warm all over is him. It's always been him.

The Derek Hale smile that people rarely see, lights up on his face and I'm proud that I'm one of the rare people to cause it. The way he smiles causes his green eyes to sparkle and the look of adoration crosses them when he looks at me. The way he looks at me causes my nervousness to grow but it's also the place I love to be.

"Duly noted" Derek mutters "Whenever I am chained to a fence with Peter again, I'll make sure to let the Calaveras know that I have a girlfriend that's not afraid to use her claws."

My smile instantly dropped and I feel my short fuse hitting the fan at the simple name that rolled off his tongue. "Calaveras" my voice is harsher than I intended but I just can't help it.

Why Derek or Peter didn't tell me that it was not just any hunters but the Calaveras were the ones who got them is something I don't know. That psycho family is always sticking their fucking noses where it doesn't belong. It's almost like they just can't help themselves. I don't know why they can't just stay put in their glorious home in Mexico and leave the United States to people like the Argents.

The sad part is I hate the Argents with every fiber in my being but I would put up with them if I didn't have to see the Calaveras ever again. They remind me of knock off Argent's anyway, wanting to beat them in everything, however Kate took home the cake when she lite the match to the Hale house.

It's really sad when not only the supernatural creatures rival for power but also the hunters.

I scoff, my temper starting to flare "If they ever get you again, you better tell them I'll do more than use my claws." I say threateningly but to Derek, it doesn't affect him. He's threatened people just as much as I have, its why were so compatible.

Derek chuckles, pulling me closer to him, looking more amused than anything. "Oh really? Well, not that I can't take care of myself, but I'll definitely warn them"

"Use my name. The bastards know my name by heart now" I grumble, semi kidding but also not really. There's no way he'd get caught again because Beacon Hills is far away from Mexico but it wouldn't surprise me if they suddenly popped up out of no where. The bastards been tracking me for months.

I see a look cross his face and recognize it as confusion and a tad bit of concern. Must be because he knows I've met them. The damn lovely family that I could kill without losing a minute of sleep. Sadly I can't though, the Calaveras are a powerful family and killing just one of them will come with deadly repercussions as I found out months ago.

Wild Fire (Teen Wolf)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя