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"Ms. L/N, can you please give the answer to this problem," our teacher, Ma'am Prim, said.

Y/N's POV:

As always, I lazily went up from my seat and stated a "64" before going back to reading my newly-bought novel. Today is like any other day, playing as the smart one and being a favorite to all the teachers. I have always topped my classes and it has been like that ever since I started learning.

After my answer, I heard compliments and insults around the room. 'She is really smart', 'I wish I can be like her', 'She only answered because she knew the answer from the teacher', 'Even if she is smart, it doesn't guarantee her a good future', 'Tch! I wish I have a girlfriend like her', 'Such arrogance!'. There it is. The arrogance. I have always heard it whenever I pass through the corridors of the school. 'Well, not that it matters though,' I thought.




"Ms. L/N, before you go home, we have an important matter to discuss," Ma'am Prim professionally said. 'Yet another favor for me, I guess,' I thought. "I have yet another college recommendation for you," she said. "Pardon my excuse madam, but I have to go now for I am handed the responsibility of cooking tonight's dinner at home," I said with a fake smile. 'Tch. Annoying,' I thought. "Oh! I'm sorry Ms. L/N. You can go now," she said. I simply bowed and left the classroom with a frown. I suddenly thought of the missed time that I should have been doing by reading my novel. I simply sighed out of frustration and went ahead to the nearest grocery store to buy the necessary goods for dinner.

After five minutes of shopping, I suddenly got a vibration from my phone. I checked my phone only to see that it was a notification from mom.



Hi honey.

You don't have to cook dinner for us.

Me and Dad are going away for a business trip.

It will take a week so take care at home and remember to help your sister at her homework.

Sent 4:03 pm



I will. No worries.

Sent 4:04 pm


Never would have thought that this message will be my last sent message. I was already at the other side of our apartment complex and I checked to make sure that the traffic light was green before proceeding. I was reading the new update of my favorite author when I suddenly heared a screeching noise coming from my left. Before I can comprehend what is happening, I saw a bright white light before feeling a scorching pain coming from my insides. I closed my eyes for a second and when I did open them, I suddenly felt weaker and weaker by the second. "Y/N!," I heard my sister faintly before losing consciousness.

'Man. I didn't even finish reading my newly-brought novel about reincarnation. Speaking of which, is this the feeling of dying? If so, then can I at least reincarnate in a more interesting world? I would like to recommend any sports anime, if that is on the list.' I thought as I only felt but numbness around my body.


"Y/N! You have to wake up now, darling. Today is your first day of junior high so you wouldn't want to miss the welcome ceremony," I heard someone said. 'Wait! I can hear? Does this mean I really did reincarnate?!' I thought. I abruptly woke up from my supposed-to-be humble sleep and went out the door. I noticed from my surroundings that I currently live in a two-storey house. 'Hm. Not bad for a place to live' I amazedly thought. 'Wait! I shouldn't remember any of these information!' I sighed. 'RIght! So I am a reincarnated person who remembers their past life, not bad. Then, I should probably start by adapting to my surroundings'.

"Y/N! Come down or else Mom will be giving you another punishment," my 'mom' said. 'So, she's my mom. Not bad, I guess. I guess I can safely assume that she is a bit better than my previous mom for her personality' I thought carefully. "Coming, MOM!," I excitedly said as I went down the stairs. When I met mom downstairs, she has the same image as my mom from my previous life. 'I guess I can check that off from my opinion list' I thought.


After eating breakfast, I went back to the room that I was in and checked my closet for my school uniform. 'I guess this is a nice life. I think I ca-' I was cut off when I saw the familiar shade of blue of the skirt. 'No. It can't be. Don't tell me I am in the world that I am thinking' I frantically thought. "Mom! I think I kind of forgotten my way to school. Can you please give me the directions?," I asked as I finished buttoning up the top of the uniform. "Oh it's only two blocks away from our house. After that you can take a left and you will see the symbol of 'Raimon Junior High's symbol - the lightning bolt. I thought I already told you this, darling?," she questioned while peeking through the door to check my outfit and nodded as if approved would the results of my fitting. "Ok, thanks Mom! I'll be going now," I said as I went through the door of my room and went outside the house. "Wahhhhhhhh!", so this is the world of Inazuma Eleven, one of the first animes I watched as a teenager. 'I want to help that person, then.' I thought as I walked two blocks and turned left. I finally saw the entrance of Raimon Junior High. I stopped for a bit on the entrance and pondered 'From this point on, I will try to cherish this life as much as possible and try to find the perfect love that I have been dreaming from my past life, hopefully.' With this, I finally entered the school. I then went ahead and checked my timetables and saw that I was in Class 1-A. 'I still got my intelligence I see'. I went to the gym for the welcome ceremony when I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Excuse me, but do you know where I can sign for the soccer club?"

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