Calm...not really

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Mikasa was reading a book that she brought two days ago. She was shopping with Sasha and saw a book that caught her eye. It was about how the main character loved his childhood friend, but couldn't because he had a bigger responsibility to commit to. Right now it seems as if their relationship is practically gone.

Worst part was that the childhood friend loved him back, but was too late to tell him her feelings. They both desperately want to be with each other, but life doesn't seem to like that idea.

She can only hope that she doesn't find herself in the same situation. She doesn't want to keep her feelings to herself for the rest of her life. But now isn't the best time to tell her feelings. He's already going through a lot.

'I don't even know what he's going through...'
The thought made her heart ache.
'We've been through so much...why won't he tell us? Tell me?'

A sudden breeze brought her out of her thoughts, her hair swaying, as she realized the missing feeling on her neck. She frantically looked to the right and saw the scarf in the air, being carried by the wind.

"His scarf!"
She frantically tried to reach for it, almost getting up in the process. However, she stopped when a hand came out of no where and grabbed it.

She looked up and her eyes slightly widened in shock. "Eren...?"

Said boy was holding the red scarf in his hand, looking at it with a stoic face, before looking back at Mikasa. She continued to stare at him in confusion, wondering where he came from and why he was here.

She was surprised when his stoic and tired expression suddenly changed to a small smile, staring directly at her. 'He...he smiled...because of me?'

He knelt down and carefully wrapped the scarf around her. This got a confused "huh" from Mikasa.

When he was done, he stared at her eyes and smiled, patting her head. "I promised you that I'd wrap this scarf around you as many times as you want, right?" He reminded her with a gentle tone as he sat besides her.

She recalled those memories of that day. When Hannes died an unfortunate death. When he completely broke down. When everything seemed lost. She confessed how she felt, which led to him promising to keep her safe, to protect her and wrap this scarf around her as many times as she wanted.

She smiled at that specific memory. She looked at him and nodded with a small grunt, covering her bottom half of her face with the scarf.

Her expression turned from shy to confusion.
"Eren...why are you here? Where did you leave to when you left the meeting? And why did you act like that? What's happening with you?" She asked, curiosity turning into worry the more she asked.

'Still worrying about me, huh?'
He thought to himself. He didn't feel nor show signs of anger or annoyance. Some might say he felt...glad?

"When I left the meeting I went and slept under a tree. When I woke up I decided to come back to see if everything was alright. I saw you reading a book by yourself and decided to accompany the old days."

She guessed he didn't nap for long, since he still sounded tired. That or a couple hours of sleep isn't enough to replenish the sleepless nights.

She didn't like how he didn't answer the last questions. Eren must've known, since he sighed and looked ahead of him, into the distance, before speaking.

"I...can't say what's happening to me...not until I figure everything out...Sorry for acting like that I guess...the constant questions got unto my nerves." He answered. It didn't exactly answer her questions but at least he wasn't ignoring her. She didn't realize that he was half lying.

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