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The the feeling you leave lingering in a room or in someones mind and body.

Its Godly .

It can be created. 

But never destroyed.

No matter the weapon deployed.

It can never be devoid of power.

Only transferred.

So the energy you project is critical.

Some cynical. 

Some are more analytical.

Many different auras and kinds.

Most importantly be sure to be kind.

Because karma does in fact exist.

If I didn't stress its importance, i'd certainly be remiss.

Learn to protect your energy.

Peace is the ultimate remedy.

I pray to keep the negative energy away from all those that I love and admire , may good vibes guard all of our souls.

I pray we all wake up to a clean slate.

Allow your energy to be the wheel with which you navigate.

Collection Of Eclectic Poems  From An Introverted Mind.Where stories live. Discover now