Flustered?- Dream 🌿

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Clay had been my best friend for years but we have always flirted with one another. It was always joking or for a bit on stream though.


I'm not gonna lie he is hot, I mean his green eyes, perfect jaw, the way his freckles lay across his nose and cheeks. He is perfect, but no he's my best friend and he'll never feel the same. Plus it was all a joke, I'm sure I didn't have these feelings ethier.

I mean you flirt with someone for so long you are bound the catch feelings.

I pull into Clay's driveway and hop our of my car. I unlock his front door with the key he gave me.

I walk into his living room and set my bag down before venturing off to find Clay.

I walk into the hallway outside Clay's office and hear him laughing; god that laugh. I walk up and knock three times on his door.

"Oh, hold on guys" I open the door and walk in seeing him sitting at his desk talking to Sapnap and George. "Hey pretty girl" I couldn't help but blush. I hear him laugh at me, "What brings you here?" "I- uh I wanted to hang out with you" I stumble over my words. "Yeah for sure I'll meet you downstairs after I hang up"

I walk out of Clay's streaming room and walk into the kitchen. The white marble counter tops with light grey cabinets and low lighting make for a very modern, clean look.

I lean against the counter causing me to slightly jolt from the change in temperature. I scroll through Tiktok liking fanart, edits, and funny videos made about me and Clay.

Suddenly I feel two large hands grab my waist and push me up against the edge of the marble. "Do you even know how much I want you when you walk around wearing that?" Clay says making the hairs on the back of my neck. I felt heat rush to my cheeks, suddenly Clay flips me around to look at him.

"What? You flustered baby?" I look down from his eyes feeling too overwhelmed with these feelings. Clay removes his hand from my hip and hooks a finger under my jaw. He tilts my head up so I'm looking at him, I simply smirks, then removes his hands from my body completely, and walks away confidently.

Pluto speaks: I can't write smut for the life of me but this will due. Drink water and be safe <3

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